Place Of Alignment

“No, I insist on buying it for I will not present burnt offerings to the Lord my God that have cost me nothing” So David paid him fifty pieces of silver for the threshing floor and the oxen” 2 Sam.24:24


What have you been bringing before God, a sacrifice or a gift? Take note, you cannot go farther than the level of your sacrifice. Check; where you are today is because of the sacrifices you made yesterday. If you are a graduate, it is because you sacrificed to go to school when your mates were satisfied with making quick money. That position you occupy in your office now was because you sacrificed time and hard work to get there. Guess what? The heights you will not get to are the heights you are unable [or refuse] to sacrifice for, largely. Faith and Sacrifice are two major factors when it comes to the altar. So what are the values of building an altar, of showing up at the altar and servicing the altar? Over the next few days, we will learn four values of the altar. I am sure that there are a whole lot more but we will look at four.

The altar is a place of Alignment. Please read Genesis 32. Jacob had to realign with God to enter into his destiny. Many of us are so focused on our destinies and that is good; destiny is good but your direction is more important than your destiny because your direction determines your destiny. Why are you so consumed with the fact that you want to get to point ‘A’? You are totally consumed with getting to point ‘A’ but you are not paying attention to the fact that you are facing point ‘B’. So even though you are putting in a lot of energy, going fast and speaking positively about getting to point ‘A’, you are facing point ‘B’. Destiny is key I know, but your direction determines your destiny. What the altar does, when you raise and visit the altar is, it realigns you. So that person who wants to get to point ‘A’ but is actually facing point ‘B’, when he or she visits his or her altar, God will change the compass and turn him or her to face point ‘A’. So he or she now has the right direction, movement now becomes progress and can be recorded as success. Direction is key; the place of the altar is a place of alignment. Some of us are out of alignment. We actually have been going towards point ‘A’ but for some reason our tracks have just been consistently deviating and we are now going to a fatal destination; but God will realign us in Jesus Name. Why is this possible? It is because we are consumed by our destinations whereas it is not just about the destination; it is about the direction. A wise man says, “You cannot change your destination overnight but you can change your direction overnight”.


Prayer: Holy Spirit, please stir me aright so that every move I make will be recorded as progress and as success, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Sunday 19 April, 2015, in Altar, Guidance, Sacrifice. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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