Day And Night

“Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do” Josh.1:8.


The second phase in the progression is meditate on it day and night. The word meditate is not strictly passive. A lot of the time when we talk about meditation, people’s minds immediately picture a sitting down on a yoga mat crossing your legs holding your arms. But that is not all meditation is about. Meditation involves you engaging the Word of God and like the Word says, you engage the Word day and night. “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night…” Josh.1:8. So your lips have a lot to do with meditation when you shut out all your distraction. At one season in my life, I had to stop my cable subscription. Now I have nothing against cable television, I actually enjoy watching it, catching up on sports and just flipping channels. But I discovered that it was totally distracting to me because I get home at maybe ten at night, sit down and just flip channels and my time is going. So I said to myself there is nothing wrong with cable television but you do not need it right now. So I stopped my subscription and I was flooded with calls from my provider. Is it a cash flow problem? You can go on a less expensive package. On and on like that until I asked the agent if she was Christian and I preached the whole sermon of distraction to her, after all she asked for it, because she refused to let me be. And by the time I was done preaching she probably will consider not subscribing too. The point is this, take hold of your life. I needed to take hold of my life. Eliminating that distraction at that time translated to having time to read books, read the Bible more, meditate, and I pray. And when I get my rhythm back maybe I will subscribe again but I needed to get my rhythm back. Shut out the distractions!

Your mouth is connected to meditation. While studying puts the Word of God in your mind [your head], meditation burns it into your spirit. It is the Word in your spirit that is quick, powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword. The key to meditation is repetition, every teacher knows this. You teach a child by repeating the lesson over and over in different forms and he won’t forget. I’ll give you a few meditation strategies to help you get practical. Take a scripture like John 3:16, engage it. How? Recite it – put it on your lips, just meditate on it, repeat it. While your mind is engaged and focused on that scripture, if you are baptized in the Holy Spirit, begin to pray in tongues.


Prayer: Holy Spirit, help me master the act of meditating on God’s Word day and night so that Your laws would be written in my heart, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Thursday 4 June, 2015, in Bible, Discipline, Focus. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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