Domestic Affairs II

“Wives, be subject to your husbands [subordinate and adapt yourselves to them], as is right and fitting and your proper duty in the Lord” Col.3:18 [AMP, emphasis added]


Wives, God is saying adapt! You already have planned out how you want your life to run, and then you hook up with this man. God is saying rearrange your life around him. I mean that is so unfair, by our twenty first century equal right movement. But that is what the Word of God says, you adapt to your husband. When my wife and I first got married I discovered that she sleeps early. So by seven or eight in the night she is already sleeping. I could not understand how anybody would sleep at that time, the day is just starting in my point of view. I naturally sleep in the early hours of the morning everyday now because at night is when I am most awake and most alert. If you talk to me during the day you probably would not be very happy with me because I am yawning most of the time. Over time, my wife now sleeps late when we are together. I did not have to force her but somebody had to rearrange her life around the other person, and she enjoys sleeping late too. Adapt! The problems a lot of people are having are because they are not adapting to their husbands. You do not change the weather you adapt to the weather. If it is snowing and it is cold outside yet you insist on wearing a bikini what will happen to you? You adapt to the weather, you adapt to your husband.

Husbands, love your wives and never treat them harshlyCol.3:19 [emphasis added]. “…and never treat them harshly”; this is the part that always makes me uncomfortable. God did you really write that in the Bible? Sometimes you just feel you need to show her a sample of harshness. And God is saying never treat them harshly. If you, as a man and as a woman, live by the Word of God your marriage will be beautiful. If you are yet to get married, your selection process will be easy. If you see a man that is not going anywhere and that is the person you want to submit your life, well go ahead but do not come back and complain. And if you do come back to complain know in advance that what I will say is submit to your husband. And that is God’s truth. So how should men love because some men say they show their wife tough love. You know what they mean by that? Tough love it like when a child has done wrong and you flog the child because you love the child. Tough love is you deal with the child because you love the child. Some men that is the only love they express, tough love. I do not mean flog, I mean harshness.


Prayer: Father, I pray that You will teach and help my spouse and I live our lives by Your Word and I pray the same for every couple reading this today, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Monday 17 August, 2015, in Bible, Commitment, Marriage, Obedience. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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