God Alone!

“You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God” James 4:4.


What guarantees victory over satan is the Word, the Blood of Jesus, and not fearing death. Do you know why islamic militancy appears to be gaining a lot of grounds and terrorizing everybody so far on earth? Firstly, it is because the enemy copies the truth and perverses it. And secondly, it is because they are not afraid to die. The moment you have a leader that is not afraid to die for God he or she will subdue terrorism. It is as simple as that. In fact what gave power to the early Church, why it was able to grow so fast and take territories for God, is they were not afraid to die for the gospel. A lot of people are too self-preserving. Now when the air conditioning is not working in church people complain and are reluctant to go to church. I just want to say that you need to grow up. Christians should not be afraid to die. Of course God has promised us long life and I pray you will have long life. However, do not be afraid to die. Be afraid of God alone. When the enemy knows that you fear nothing but God, you have the Name of Jesus, the Blood of the Lamb, and you have the Word of God, he will back down.

The enemy of the Father is the love of the world. And what guarantees victory over the love of the world is simple love for the Father. It is one or the other. When you love the Father, you drift away from the world. When you love the world you drift away from the Father. But unfortunately the Church has focused mainly on only one of the three enemies. Guess the enemy the Church focuses on the most? satan. So that is why you have a lot of programs focused in that direction. It has consumed our focus so much and satan is happy because he can work through enemy number one and number three and cause havoc. People are going to war against satan and satan is using the world and using their flesh to destroy them. And they are going to battle naked. The major problem is believers have a tunnel vision [if you will – satan is the enemy. He is just one and he works through two other faces. We will not be spending a lot of time on enemy number two because a lot of focus has been given to that over the past few decades. We shall focus more on enemy number three because it actually encompasses number one [the flesh] and number two [satan]. Enemy number three is the love of the world, which is the enemy of the Father. If you sort out the enemy of the Father, you would have sorted out the enemy of the Holy Spirit [the flesh] and the enemy of the Son [satan] will have no power over you.


Prayer [song]: I love You, more than anyone. I love You, more than anything. I love You, more than life itself. I love You, Lord I give my life to You. Amen!


Posted on Tuesday 29 September, 2015, in Guidance, Spiritual Growth, Truth vs. Error. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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