Take A Stand

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death” Rev.12:11 [KJV]


The story is told about the Chinese underground church. In China back in the day, I don’t know if it still happens now the government authorizes its soldiers to kill anyone that is worshipping Jesus. So soldiers go to churches and just kill everybody. So this band of soldiers came into a church and announced that they have locked all the doors and are going to kill all the Christians. They said to the people there that if you were just invited to church and you really are not a Christian leave now because it is only Christians we want to kill. And the church was ninety percent empty. And they denied Jesus, even though Jesus said if you deny me before men I will deny you before my Father [Matt.10:33], where it matters most. And when those fake Christians had gone, the soldiers dropped their guns and said to the remaining people that they were Christians and they just wanted to worship with real Christians. And they worshipped God and it was powerful and they left. We hear that story and we laugh and we say what is even wrong with those Chinese Christians right? A test is upon us as a people and that is the Islamic militancy, it is challenging but there is a good side to it. Very soon we will know those who are really Christians. A test is upon us but we will prevail in Jesus Name.

Listen a time is coming and it is here already where to be a Christian will not be popular anymore. A time when being a Christian makes you a target for destruction. Will you still be a Christian? Shall I stop? There is too much hypocrisy really. People at the slightest convenience are ready to abandon fellowship. God says do not forsake the assembly together of brethren. It is an instruction. God did not say do not forsake the assembly together of brethren when things are good. An epidemic breaks out and people stop going to church because they are afraid. What if they put a gun on their heads? I know what I am saying is not very popular but it is the Word of God. God says gather but a social crisis says do not gather. Who will you obey? Some will say are we not supposed to be wise? We will do the rational things but we will not cave into fear. Am I saying you should be foolish? No! I am saying you should stand for God and therein lies your victory. So why is this so important? It is important because you cannot overcome the enemy you are harboring as a mole and you are feeding. You know what a mole is? My grandmother used to say, if the enemy within does not destroy you, the enemy without cannot destroy you.


Prayer: Lord Jesus, today I take a stand for You. Lord strengthen my feet so that it shall not be moved for You are able to keep me from falling and present me blameless, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Wednesday 30 September, 2015, in Commitment, Stand. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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