Understanding Mercy And Grace
“And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth” John1:14 [KJV]
As a child, when you know that your father is merciful you would not see the need to hide anything from him. Similarly, when you take God as your Father, your Merciful Father you will run to Him especially when you need mercy most. However, unlike our earthly fathers, God already knows everything we have ever done and everything we will ever do and yet He still accepts us. It would be self-deceit to think you can hide anything from God especially sin. Strangely, a lot of Christians make bad decisions that lead to sin and instead of running to their Merciful Father, they run away from Him. God is saying to you today, you do not have to conceal anything because I am merciful, full of love and grace, and long suffering.
“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth” John1:14 [NIV]. Scripture here introduces Jesus to the world as full of grace and truth. The Father and the Son are one. In other words, God is extending His hand of mercy and grace to you. Mercy and grace are similar in a lot of ways but there is a slight difference. Mercy is not getting what you deserve. Grace on the other hand is getting what you do not deserve. For some of us, the reward for our past is death but God chose to have mercy on us. While grace is proactive, mercy is reactive. Meaning, mercy responds immediately but grace looks into the future and sorts things out. Grace is the word that covers what God did when He sent Jesus to die for our sins. Jesus took the punishment of our sins but He did not stop there, Jesus went ahead and secured an inheritance for us. Through Him we have access to the Father. You and I did something wrong but instead of getting punished, God says you are forgiven because the price for your wrong doing has been paid [Mercy]. Additionally, you have a place in the Kingdom [grace]. When we ask God for anything in the Name of Jesus, we get what we ask for. In Jesus you have become part of the common wealth of Israel [Grace]. When Jesus is in your heart, you too radiate grace and mercy. What will you do with Jesus? What will you with the grace and mercy you are carrying in your heart? You and I must be deliberate each day at being doers of the Word [embody Jesus] and not hearers alone. Strengthen your testimony by sharing Jesus with the people closest to you.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, please deepen my understanding of Mercy and Grace so that Your Mercy and Grace will radiate through me and touch everyone around me, in Jesus Name.
Posted on Sunday 25 October, 2015, in Grace, Mercy. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.
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