The Boss

“I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from themRom.16:17 [emphasis added].


God is clear in His Word about what we should do with people who cause divisions. Note them, keep away from them, and cut them off. Watch out for people that are unable or unwilling to take clear instructions; God says stay away from them. So your job as the leader is to establish a chain of command. Each person should have only one boss and they need to know who it is. Everybody is a leader in different capacities but each person should have only one boss.

In the domestic setting for instance, the domestic staff should have only one boss as decided by the couple. If it is the woman then decision-making should be left solely to her. If she fires any of them, her husband should not meddle in it because it is her business. If the woman takes a decision and then the man comes and reverses it, it only causes confusion. There is only one boss and that boss reports to the man of the house in the bedroom. There he can ask her why she took certain decisions and set her straight if necessary. But when she steps out of the bedroom, she is in charge.

In fact, one of the fastest ways of getting fired is not recognizing who your boss is. I have encountered people in organizations who are meant to report to Mr. A but are dancing to the tune of Mr. Z. That is the fastest route to getting fired. When you enter any setting, your job is to discern who your boss is because each person has to be answerable to one person.

Delegated authority is not diminished authority. My wife is in charge domestically. I have delegated that and it is her business. Her decision to fire the cook or steward is the least of my worries. As long as I have food to eat, I really do not care. When the traffic warden steps out in front of oncoming traffic and lifts up his hand, the cars stop. That is not power but authority. The person that delegates authority retains the power but gives authority. If the cars refuse to stop, does he have the power to stop them physically? No, he does not but he has the authority. As a child of God, God has given you authority.


Prayer: Father, help me to stay under the things You have placed above me so that I can stay above the things You have placed under me, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Sunday 5 June, 2016, in Action, Agreement, Elect, Guidance, Victory. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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