Some people are like the seeds on rocky soil.  They welcome the word with joy, whenever they hear it, but they don’t develop any roots.  They believe for a while, but when their faith is tested, they abandon it.”  Luke 8:13 [GWT, emphasis added].


I pray that your commitment will not be superficial. But you must also  take steps to  ensure it is not superficial. “Some people are like the seeds on rocky soil.  They welcome the word with joy, whenever they hear it, but they don’t develop any roots. A lot of people are like this. They hear the Word, they become excited about it, and the Word even brought tears to their eyes. Thank God for the tears but please do what you have heard. Just do it! I understand this will make you uncomfortable. But it is so that you can begin to do these things.

It takes a lot to prepare just one teaching, prayer time, study time, the research time and so much more. And this is just from man’s perspective; so imagine how it is from God’s perspective. It is God’s Word but some people are content just to hear it and have goose pimples. Do goose pimples benefit anybody? You have to let the Word propel you into action! Don’t only hear the message, but put it into practice, other­wise you are merely deluding yourselves” James 1:22 [Ph, emphasis added]. Do not kid yourself, hearing and growing are not the same thing. But how is it that we forget so easily? Research shows ninety five percent of what is heard is forgotten after seventy-two hours. Which is why you always have to take notes in church.

One day the Holy Ghost take you back to those notes and you will be amazed at what He will reveal to you. That is why, in God’s Favourite House, we ensure that the messages are available on different platforms for free. It is because we know the challenge of life; people forget ninety five percent of what they hear. But by the time you are hearing that message repeatedly, it will sink down and take root inside you.

To grow spiritually, you must take the time and make the effort. Without taking the time and making the effort, you cannot grow spiritually. “Take the time and trouble to keep yourself spiritually fit” 1 Tim.4:7 [Ph, emphasis added]. For you to be spiritually fit, it is going to take time and it is going to take trouble. It is in the Bible, read your Bible.


Prayer: Father, empower me to do the things that I must do to grow in my knowledge of God and my understanding of the things of God, in Jesus Name.


Posted on Saturday 5 November, 2016, in Honouring God, Spiritual Growth. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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