Share Jesus

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere…” Acts 1:8


As Christians, it is so important for us to tell other people about Jesus. When I got saved, I could not keep it in. I preached to all my friends and they saw that I was sincerely concerned for their eternity. I am not saying that you should be obnoxious but just open your mouth and tell people who are close to you but far from God, about Jesus. The question is, do you want them to go to hell?

Someone said, for some people on their way to heaven there will be people petitioning heaven against them. And the accusation will be – that lady was my neighbor for ten years and she never told me about Jesus. That man was my colleague at work for three years and he never mentioned Jesus to me. Send them to hell, Lord. I am not sure if it is true though but the point is this, you have to share your faith. Some of us have friends that are going straight to hell but we are not actively trying to stop them.

Be creative about sharing your faith. Invite those friends to church so that they can hear the Gospel and trust God to do the rest. Send the person a link to a website that has blessed you so you can help people grow spiritually. Subscribe to get the FreshFire Devotional daily in your mail so you can forward it to your friends or family and start a conversation about it. Take a notebook and rule out two columns on a page. Label the first column ‘The List’ and the second ‘Follow up’. Make a list of fourteen people that you will tell about Jesus. Beginning this month until the end of next year, if Jesus tarries.

Pick one person each month from that list, start at the beginning of the month to pray for that person and tell the person about Jesus. Then pick a Scripture from the Bible and use it to pray for the person you pick each month. Cut out dedicated time to talk to God about the person and ask the Holy Spirit to show you ways to reach that person for Jesus. You can use 2 Corinthians 4:3-6. Pray that the veil will be torn from off their eyes and Jesus will be revealed to them. And for the next thirty days, follow up aggressively. Next month, pick a new person and move this one to the follow up column. The idea is you keep sowing until God brings the harvest. I pray that we will all have at least fourteen souls come to Jesus on our account.


Prayer: Holy Spirit, I receive the power to be a witness for Jesus; as I obey this leading come and save everyone I speak to about Jesus, in Jesus Name.


Posted on Monday 7 November, 2016, in Acknowledge God, Faith, Fellowship, Jesus. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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