
Luke 8:15 [GN] “The seeds that fell in good soil stand for those who hear the message and retain it in a good and obedient heart, and they persist until they bear fruit.” [with emphasis]


For us to tune-in to God, we must cultivate open minds, create time to listen, and eliminate distraction.

#4. The fourth thing we must do to tune-in to God’s voice is, co-operate with what God says. Please get this because it is so powerful. God will always speak to people who decide in advance to do whatever He says. That is where you should position yourself. Deciding in advance to do what God says, is a way of positioning yourself to hear from God.

There is a story in 1

Samuel 3 [please read]; it is the illustration I typically would use to teach this type of positioning. The story is about an old prophet called Eli and a young boy called Samuel. While Samuel was sleeping one night, he heard the voice of Eli. So he went to Eli and said, here I am; but Eli did not call him so he sent Samuel back to sleep.

But Samuel again heard the voice of Eli. Let me explain that a little bit. Sometimes, God speaks to you through the voice of your spiritual Father. So, sometimes when you are about to make a wrong move, you hear your pastor’s voice reprimanding you. Many people have told me about how they had dreams about me. And I say, “it is God that is trying to pass a message to you”. But God will use the voice of your spiritual father.

Samuel was sure he heard Eli’s voice calling so he ran to Eli but he got sent back to bed again. And again this happened a third time. If it were not Eli’s voice Samuel was hearing, would he have gone back to Eli? So Eli took him through prophecy 101 , which is this: “The next time He calls you say, ‘Speak Lord, for your servant heareth’”. In essence, speak, for I am willing to obey.  That is the key!

You are taking the position of a servant. And in that culture, a servant is always willing to obey his master. You have to put yourself in a position where you are always willing to obey God. The reason a lot of people do not hear God is that God knows they will only do what they want to do. God is not a talkative, and so He will stay silent because He can read your heart.


Prayer: Holy Spirit, help me take the position of a servant before my Master and teach me to stay in that position all of my days, in Jesus Name

Posted on Saturday 21 January, 2017, in Communication, Direction, Hearing from God, Listen. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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