So Much More!

Job 7:17 “What are people, that you should make so much of us; that you should think of us so often?”


It is only God that is all sufficient. Yesterday we established the fact that even though God does not need us, He wants us. That is why the psalmist says repeatedly, what is man that You are mindful of him [Ps.8:4, Ps.144:3]. However, the sad truth is that most people would not seek God until they need Him. God knows this so He puts a need in our lives. That need makes us seek Him only to discover that we want Him. That is the basis of the wilderness experience. That is why people go through the wilderness experience.

Some people’s wilderness experience is ten days because they realize their need for God immediately and they make the switch. Some people’s wilderness experience takes ten months. Slow, but they get it eventually. And for some people, their wilderness experience takes ten years. But guess what? God says, “I am the Ancient of Days, I do not grow old”. Israel if you want to enter the promise land in forty days, it is up to you. But if you decide to do it in forty years, it is also up to you. God will always be here; He is eternal.

Deut.8:3Yes, he humbles you by letting you go hungry then feeding you with manna, a food previously unknown to you and your ancestors. He did it to teach you that people do not live by bread alone; rather, we live by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord”. There is a hymn that captures the heart of this,

Even though it be a cross that saves me, still all my song shall be, Nearer my God to thee, nearer to thee”.

The Yoruba translation of this same hymn says, “even though it is tribulation that has brought me, still my song shall be nearer my God to Thee.”

Many of us will not come to God if we did not have problems. But God says, just come and I will solve the problem. The beauty about God is that by the time He solves the problem, we discover that not only are we healed, but also we have now found Him. The best discovery is not that you have a solution but that you have more of God. So we move from needing Him to wanting Him.


Prayer [song]: I want more of You, Jesus. I want more of You. The more I know You, the more I want to know You, Jesus, more of You. Amen!


Posted on Tuesday 9 May, 2017, in Acknowledge God, Devotion, intimacy with God, Knowledge, Relationship, Spiritual Growth. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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