Embrace It

Luke 1: 38 “Mary responded, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.” And then the angel left her”.

God’s plan was revealed to Mary and she did not beg for it not to happen. She did not laugh it off because it seemed impossible; rather she just embraced God. It shows the attitude of complete availability to God. Mary was completely available to God. Are you completely available to God? Secondly, Mary said it is a privilege to serve God. You mean I will sweep the floor for God’s people? It is a privilege to serve God. It is an honour. Mary devoted herself to God’s plan and it took tremendous courage to do it. God’s call is not trivial.

When you decide to go God’s way, there is always a risk and a cost. It is a complete package. I cannot tell you that God’s call will always be rosy because it would not be true. You will have to risk something. If you are not risking anything, please check; it may not be God. If your service to God does not cost you anything, it is not going to take you anywhere.

However, the reward of following God far outweighs the risk and the cost and that is what Mary focused on. For you to banish the fear of being used by God, you must focus on the reward for being used by God. Do not focus on the sacrifice alone. Sometimes you have to just pay the price but also look at the priceless reward. People give their lives to Christ; how much can you pay for that? People get healed, get delivered, and get released into their destinies; how much can you pay for that? Say, “I will devote myself to God’s plan”.

Delight yourself in God’s power. Relax and delight in God’s power. I believe that God used Mary because she was open to miracles and to the supernatural. She was open to being used by God and she was not afraid. When there is a move of God, some people are skeptical and others are like Mary. They embrace God and their position is “be it unto me according to Your Word”. Those are the people that actually experience God. Luke 1:37“For the word of God will never fail”. The reason a lot of us are not seeing the supernatural happening in our lives is because we are playing it too safe.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I devote myself to Your plans, be it unto me according to Your Word, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Friday 1 September, 2017, in Acknowledge God, Faith, Risk, Supernatural access, Surrender. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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