Come Up Here

Rev.4:1 Then as I looked, I saw a door standing open in heaven, and the same voice I had heard before spoke to me like a trumpet blast. The voice said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must happen after this.” [with emphasis]


God wants us to step up spiritually. The first thing and a major key to stepping up spiritually that stands out from today’s Scripture reference is “…the same voice I had heard before spoke to me…” This points to the fact that there has to be an existing relationship before you can begin to step up spiritually. You must be alive spiritually. You cannot step up spiritually if you are not alive spiritually. Take the school setting for example; you cannot even begin to think of going to the next level if you have not first gained admission into the school. So for those that are not spiritually alive, the first step is to become spiritually alive. I pray that you will take that step today and come alive in the Living God.

The second thing that must be in place to step up spiritually, is you have to be spiritually healthy. You can be physically alive but unhealthy and bedridden. In such a state, taking a step is difficult and so climbing up a flight of stairs is completely out. It is possible to be spiritually alive and not be spiritually healthy. But I pray that will not be your story. For you to step up spiritually, you have to be spiritually healthy. In God’s Favourite House, we have a mantra, a guide that helps us stay spiritually healthy. And the acronym is R. E. P. ‘We R. E. P. God’. R for Relationships, E for Experiences, and P is for Practices.

To stay healthy spiritually, you must have Relationships, Experiences, and Practices. Relationships: Spiritually, you are the average of the three people you spend the most time with. Your relationships determine how far you go even in life. This relational truth can be applied across board. Financially for example, you are the average of the three people you spend the most time with. If you are not a millionaire, find two millionaires buy them lunch, carry their bags, and spend time with them. Guess what? You will become the third millionaire. Spiritually, it is the same thing. If you want to be spiritually healthy, find people that are thriving spiritually and hang out with them, take them to lunch, babysit their children, and before you know it, you will be spiritually healthy. That is what I do.


Prayer: Holy Spirit, help me get into Godly relationships that will help me grow in my knowledge of God and in the things of God, in Jesus Name. Amen!


Posted on Wednesday 24 January, 2018, in Experience, Health, Relationship, Spiritual Growth. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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