R. E. P.

Acts 2:46 “They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity— 47 all the while praising God…”


Relationships: You are the average of the three people that you spend the most time with. If you spend most of your time with people that are not going anywhere, guess what? Over time you will be the third person that is not going anywhere. That is just how it works. Spiritual health does not happen by chance; it takes conscious deliberate effort. That is why in God’s Favourite House, we encourage small groups – life groups, departments, units and the like. We make it our business to connect people. So that one way or the other, people have people that are praying for them and vice versa. And God’s Word about “…iron sharpening iron” becomes our reality and people are moving forward spiritually.

God says in 1Cor.15:33 “Don’t be fooled … for “bad company corrupts good character.” A lot of people think the company they keep does not really matter. My question is, can God lie? Who do you physically hang out with? Who do you virtually hang out with? – Who do you chat with the most on messenger apps? What book are you reading? What messages are you listening to? There are messages you can listen to that will be as though you hung out with the person. The reality is that you eventually become the person that you hang out with.

Experiences: Experiences help you get strong spiritually. In God’s Favourite House, we have weekend Worship Experiences, a mid-week Worship Experience [Thrive], spiritual growth classes [The Journey, New Creation Reality (NCR)]. You have to go through the Journey; it is just part of the process. Then we have our special Services, the God Will Do It Again service and towards the end of the year the Praise, Prayer and Pentecost Service. Our experiences strengthen and fortify us.

Practices: While relationships and experiences involve other Christians, practices are mainly personal. These are: Personal Bible study, personal prayer, personal worship, personal fast, and personal devotion to God. If you have your relationships, experiences and practices intact, you will be spiritually healthy. It is the spiritually healthy that can step up.


Prayer: Holy Spirit, guide me into destiny accelerating relationships, experiences and practices, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Thursday 25 January, 2018, in Fellowship, Health, Intimacy with God, Relationship, Step Up, Strength. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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