
Ex.19:20 “The Lord came down on the top of Mount Sinai and called Moses to the top of the mountain. So Moses climbed the mountain” [with emphasis]


#3. Climb Up! Climbing requires effort. For you to rise up spiritually, it has to be deliberate. In God’s Favourite House, we make consistent and deliberate effort to climb as a church through seasons of waiting on the Lord. Fasting does not happen automatically; it will take effort. Whenever it is time for me to fast, it is as if everywhere I go, people are cooking. Does that happen to you as well? But what do I do? I focus, climb and it takes deliberate effort.

You can fall by accident but you cannot climb by accident. It takes consistent, deliberate effort. I have been accused of not ministering the gift of fasting by laying on of hands. But I am prepared to share the secret with you. Are you ready? The secret is there is no gift of fasting! Neither is there any gift of climbing. You just have to fast and you have to climb. You have to deny yourself, let go of what is on the ground level, and make the effort – push!

It is always amusing to me how some people come up with plans on how to dodge seasons of spiritual exercise. Let me ask you a question; are you not tired of ground level and of staying on that level? Don’t you want to come up to where God wants you to be? Don’t you want to get access to all that God has for you? I do and I pray you do too. God wants to speak to you. Rev.1:10 “It was the Lord’s Day, and I was worshiping in the Spirit. Suddenly, I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet blast.” [with emphasis]. Again, you can see a reference to the voice from behind – it is hearing God 101.

It is very instructive that John will share his posture when he heard God’s voice – he was worshipping. It is possible to be in God’s Presence, just going through the motions and not worshipping. Some people just refuse to make the effort to focus on God and to worship HIm. People struggle with lifting up their hands or opening their mouths to adore God. Worshipping in the spirit takes effort and it requires concentration for the climb. But guess what? Suddenly, he heard God in that place of intense worship. God wants you to worship Him in the spirit and He wants you to release your spirit, your soul, and your body to Him.


Prayer: Jesus, “To You, Lord, I give my whole heart, a heart filled with praise, for I am grateful…” , in Jesus Name. Amen! [Ps.138.1]


Posted on Wednesday 31 January, 2018, in Action, Focus, God's Presence, Honouring God, Move, Strength, Worship. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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