Pay Attention!

Josh. 23:10 “Each one of you will put to flight a thousand of the enemy, for the Lord your God fights for you, just as he has promised. 11 So be very careful to love the Lord your God.”


As you arise and become all that God has created you to be, take note that the enemy will deploy three major strategies to combat you. And the strategies are deception, accusation and affliction. So be alert! To some people, he will suggest that they have no need for repentance. The enemy will say, “You are fine! You are even better than some pastors.” Have you heard that before? It is down right deception from hell.

Yet for some others, that would not work, so he will tell them that there is no hope for mercy for them. The enemy would say, “You are too bad! Can’t you see your life? How can you even say the Name of Jesus with that mouth?” Again, it is a lie from the pit of hell. The devil is the accuser of the brethren. You have hope in Jesus Christ. I heard someone say and it is so true, that when a young lady is struggling with the idea or the act of abortion, the devil will be shouting, “It’s not a big deal!” But as soon as she goes through with it, the same devil will be waiting for her outside the clinic shouting, “Your life has finished!” God wants to scatter the enemy’s house of lies in your life and He will scatter it, in Jesus Name.

This is referring to the testimony of the Thessalonian church. 1Thess.1:9 (NIV) …They tell how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God” [with emphasis]. What are idols today? Some Christians still go to herbalist and that is really sad. And there are Christians that do not fall into that category but they have things in their lives that have taken the place of God. Anything that takes God’s place is an idol – anything!

Sometimes, they are seemingly innocent things like computer games. I like to play computer games and so I can tell you that the console can easily become an idol you worship first thing in the morning and last thing every night. For some people it is football, or their spouse, or their children, or money, or sex, or even self that has become their obsession, the idol they bow to daily. Pay attention to the things that are competing for your time. Dethrone anything and everything that has taken the place of God in your life. Whatever idol it is, you have to turn from it to the Living God; that is when deliverance comes.


Prayer [song]: No foreign God will take Your place… [Jesus] it’s You that I Love. Amen!


Posted on Sunday 11 March, 2018, in Distractions, intimacy with God, Submerged, Worship. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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