Matt.26:39  (VOICE) “He walked a little farther and finally fell prostrate and prayed. Jesus: Father, this is the last thing I want. If there is any way, please take this bitter cup from Me. Not My will, but Yours be done” [with emphasis]

Every teacher understands the power of enumeration. In fact, enumeration is one of the keys to illumination. Illustration is another key to illumination. Enumeration is a key to illumination. In other words, when you enumerate, you illuminate. To enumerate is to list. For example, if you tell your teenage child to clean the house, at best he or she will sweep the house, perhaps wash the dishes and do his or her own thing for the rest of the day. But if you had said sweep the floor, dust the windows and furniture, do the dishes, make the beds and arrange your clothes, it immediately becomes easier for the teenager because he or she knows what to do. Enumerating makes things clear.

I think we can safely say that the month of March is mother’s month because we celebrate our mothers and wives. Now imagine our wives saying that since it is mother’s month, so the men have to take up the responsibility of buying the groceries. We would probably be at a loss for what to buy when we get into the shop. But imagine if our wives give us this same responsibility and give us a list enumerating the things we should buy. I am sure you can imagine that these same men will walk into the store with confidence. And what made that difference was enumerating.

Lu.9:23 (KJV) “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me” [with emphasis]. Jesus instructs us to bring “self” to The Cross and nail it there so that the life of Christ will flow through us. So what then is this “self” that Jesus is referring to in the scriptures? Paul says in 1 Cor.15:31 (NKJV) “…I die daily”. Over the next few days, we will enumerate a list of five things that explain the concept of self that Jesus was talking about, the concept of self that we will be confronted with daily and as Jesus instructs, take to and nail to The Cross daily.

The five are; Self-righteousness, Self-confidence, Self-deception, Self-centeredness, and Self-hatred. This list is not exhaustive but these five should get you started. Death to SELF at The CROSS leads to Resurrection Life and Power in Christ.


Prayer: Lord Jesus, I pray for myself and every other person engaging this devotional, that as we confront SELF, we will get over it at The Cross, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Wednesday 21 March, 2018, in Jesus, Let go, The Cross. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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