Never Stop!

Prov. 15:14 (GN) “Intelligent people want to learn, but stupid people are satisfied with ignorance” [with emphasis]


The next N in Solomon’s six winning ways is Never Stop Learning. God’s Word states that, “Intelligent people want to learn, but stupid people are satisfied with ignorance.” Many people are brain dead and they have closed minds. Intelligent people always want to learn. Pr.18:15 (LB) “The intelligent man is always open to new ideas – in fact, he looks for them  [with emphasis]. When people are closed to ideas it is a matter of lack of intelligence.

Intelligent people look for ideas; leaders are learners. When you stop learning, you stop leading. Growing churches require growing pastors. Growing businesses require growing business leaders. Growing families require growing fathers. If a father stops growing, the family stops growing. If a business person stops growing, the business stops growing. As much as it may sound blasphemous, if a pastor stops growing the church stops growing – even though the pastor is just an ordinary man.

You really have to grow and to do that successfully, you have to be open to learning. It is a mark of intelligence to seek ideas. A lot of people think that the intelligent person should know everything. That is actually wrong; it is the upside down thinking of intelligence. The Word of God says that the intelligent person looks for ideas. We will look at four sources of ideas [of intelligence], four sources of learning [of knowledge].

#1. God’s Word: Pr. 13:13(LB) “Despise God’s Word and find yourself in trouble. Obey it and succeed.” It is your choice!

#2. Wise People: Pr. 15:22(GNT) “Get all the advice you can and you will succeed. Without it you’ll fail.

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Who are the five people you spend the most time with in a week? I know this is tough for some of us. If you spend time with huge thinkers, you leave their presence troubled because they have said things that sparked up your thought process – things you agree and disagree with. And your intellectual capacity enlarges because you have spent time with heavy thinkers.


Prayer: Holy Spirit, please grow my capacity to learning, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Sunday 20 May, 2018, in Capacity, Diligence, Knowledge, Open-minded, Relationship, The Word, Wisdom. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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