Face The Fear I

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Ps.105:19 “Until the time came to fulfil his dreams, the Lord tested Joseph’s character.”


We all are drawn to people that have character. I love people that have character and I am sure you do too. Think about this; who will you leave your child with? 

someone that has character or someone that does not have character?Who will you leave to manage the affairs of your business, somebody that has character, or somebody that does not have character? The answer is pretty obvious; it is a no brainer, actually. Character is so crucial. The question is, do you want to be that person people refer to as trustworthy, a person of character? I pray that God will make us such people, in Jesus Name.

Courage is the ability to look fear in the face and triumph. I do not want to be a coward. I want to be courageous. You cannot have character if you do not have courage. 2Tim.1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” God has not given us the spirit of fear, God has given us a courageous spirit. Becoming courageous does not happen by wishes, or by prayer, or by laying on of hands. You grow in courage by facing your fears. If you get this, a whole lot of things will fall into place when it comes to being courageous.

I can tell you several stories of how I faced fear and overcame it. And as I overcome my fears I become more courageous. David could say to Saul, “I overcame the fear of lion. I overcame the fear of bears. I can overcome the fear of this goliath too” [paraphrased]. Ps. 91:5Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day” [with emphasis]. In other words, God is saying do not be afraid of fear! You can look fear in the face and refuse to be afraid. Sometimes, we think that courageous people were born that way. Nobody is born courageous [in that sense]; everybody develops courage or fails to. God wants you to develop your courage because courageous people are ordinary people who have learnt to face their fears rather than run from their fears. With fear, we have only two options – run from fear or face the fear!


Prayer: Father, I declare that God has not given me the spirit of fear but of love, self-discipline, power, and courage, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Wednesday 14 November, 2018, in Character, Courage, Fear, Grow, Overcome, People, Test. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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