All Inclusive

Rom.10:11 “…Anyone who trusts in him will never be disgraced.” 12 Jew and Gentile are the same in this respect. They have the same Lord, who gives generously to all who call on him.13 For “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”


Over the next few days we are going to be studying Luke 10:25-37 [please read]. Choose to let God’s Word renew you and unlock your bowels of compassion.

God is building our character. The first thing that stands out in this study is that like the expert in the law, sometimes we find ourselves struggling with what God says because something in us is trying to justify the absence of compassion in our lives, or actions, or words.

Sometimes, we find it easier to show compassion to people who are like us, people who dress like us, look like us, and speak the same language as us. But when it is someone outside these parameters, we convince ourselves that the person must deserve whatever uncomfortable situation the person is experiencing. I love God’s Word; you can be sure God will call it what it is. The Bible says in Luke 10:29 The man wanted to justify his actions…”

The priest and Levite chose not to be compassionate. Like them, sometimes we come up with “good reason” for neglecting to help someone when in reality, God is depending on us to be His hands to the broken hearted. You are not really compassionate if you segregate. Jesus is able to save anybody, so your compassion should be boundless. Take note of the fact that the people that chose not to show compassion were the priest and temple assistant – people that were walking and working with God – the very same people we expect would show compassion because they know God.

We must be careful as people walking with God, that we do not become judgmental but choose to be compassionate people. We can always come up with “good reason”, “legitimate reasons” not to show compassion. Reasons like – I do not know who he is or I do not know what she has done. Some people even find it difficult to be compassionate towards people that are materially wealthy. Compassion can be to anyone; compassion does not discriminate. Choose to believe the best and not the worst about people.


Prayer: Father, I ask for the grace to value people as You value people and treat people with love, tenderness and compassion, in Jesus Name. Amen!


Posted on Monday 17 December, 2018, in Agreement, Bible, Guidance, Honouring God, Relationship, Trust. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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