Take The Reigns

Gen.3:6 “The woman was convinced. She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So she took some of the fruit and ate it” [with emphasis].

Please read Genesis 3:1-7, it details the first recorded crossroads in the history of mankind. The Bible says that she saw that the fruit was beautiful and that points to the lust of the eyes. She saw that the fruit looked delicious and that points to the lust of the flesh. She liked the wisdom it will give her and that points to the pride of life. The enemy has used this same turn, the way of the world, to cheat mankind since the beginning. Eve got to the crossroads and the devil suggested that she should take the way of the world and she took it. You are going to get to that point, that is if you are not there now and the enemy is going to offer you the way of the world. Do not do it.

Gen.3:6 “The woman was convinced. … So she took some of the fruit and ate it. Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it, too.” Where was the husband? He was with her, he was there but someone else was talking to his wife. Adam, the husband was present but silent. Why would you be present, and you would not talk to your wife? If you do not talk to your wife, something else will talk to your wife. My wife says to me that I brain wash her, I say yes that is my job, my responsibility and I am very proud of that. If you do not brain wash your wife, somebody else will brain wash your wife. I am not trying to cause trouble, I am just telling you as it is. Why would you be present and silent. She wants to talk but you have refused to open your mouth and talk to her. She is there, and she wants to engage in a conversation, so the serpent comes slithering. So, she has a conversation with the serpent and what do you think such conversations will result in? The Bible says, Adam was not deceived, he was thinking clearly. The devil saw Adam there so why did satan not go to Adam? It is because he knew that Adam will not be deceived.

Gen.3:says, “The woman was convinced…” [with emphasis]. To get a woman to do what you want you have to convince the woman. To get a man to do what you want, you have to seduce the man. Even though his brain is still working, and he knows it is wrong, he will do it. A woman is not like that; if a woman knows it is wrong she would not do it, most of the time. She has to be confused and convinced and tossed and flabbergasted before she does it. But the man is not like that. The man can see something that is wrong and still do it. Wives do not understand why their husbands would ever do some things. It is because he was seduced.

Prayer:  Holy Spirit, incline my ears and the ears of my spouse to listen out for God consistently and empower us to overcome deception and seduction, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Tuesday 16 April, 2019, in Focus, Guidance, Hearing from God, Relationship, Rooted. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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