Get Light

Matt.11:29 (NKJV) “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

Having a culture of gratitude is really powerful; in our personal lives, in our families. In the God’s Favourite House church family, having a culture of gratitude is very deliberate. Such that the first weekend of every month, we stop everything we are doing practically, just to say thank You to God. For us to live a life of gratitude, where we would be able to consistently and genuinely say thank You Lord, we must experience three dimensions of freedom. For us to live free of worry, stress, anxiety, a life where gratitude genuinely flows from our beings, we must experience three dimensions of freedom.

We must experience freedom from the Pain of Yesterday, and this is the first dimension of freedom. If we are to be full of gratitude to God, we have to be free from the pain. The second dimension is, we have to experience freedom from the Pressure of Today. For us to flow consistently and genuinely in gratitude, the third dimension of freedom we have to experience is freedom from the Pessimism of Tomorrow. Jesus speaking in John 8:32 “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” 36 So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.” If the Son of God sets you free, you are free indeed. God is setting us free from the pain of yesterday, [say Amen]. God will set you free from the pressure of today and God will set you free from the pessimism of tomorrow, in Jesus Name.

Freedom From The Pain Of Yesterday: A lot of people are stuck in the past and this is one of the major causes of unhappiness for a lot of people. So many people are stuck in what happened to them yesterday, people are full of resentment and regret. Resentment and regret are two things that give us a hard time. Resentment is carrying the weight of the wrongs that people have done to us over the years. People get resentful of the places that the hurt has taken place. Regret is carrying the burden of wrong choices, wrong actions, and wasted opportunities. A lot of people struggle with resentment on one hand and with regret on the other. But Jesus is here and willing to set you free from both of them in Jesus Name.

So, what do we do with the hurt and pain? What you do with the hurt and pain will determine whether you live free or remain bound. I pray that you will live free in Jesus Name. The question is, what have you not gotten over? It is time to confront the pain of yesterday and live free.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You are my Alpha and Omega, I open my past to you, Lord rid me of every pain, as I lay my life before You today, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Friday 8 November, 2019, in Choice, Freedom, Light, Opportunity, Pain. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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