Where Are You?

Mark 10:51 “What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked. “My Rabbi,” the blind man said, “I want to see!” (emphasis added).

Today, we will start with a graphic representation of the levels of relationships in Jesus’ life. If you are in God’s Favourite House and you have done the Journey, you will be familiar with the concentric circles used to describe the levels of commitment.

Everyone in their walk with God and in the church is somewhere in these five concentric circles. You are either in the community, crowd, congregation, committed, or in the core. Where are you?

The people around Jesus also fall into these five concentric circles. The twelve disciples were in Jesus’ core. Even in Jesus’ core, there was the inner caucus; people that knew things others were not privy to. Jesus had the committed, the seventy who He sent out to heal and to cast out demons. Jesus also had the congregation, the five thousand men. Then He had the crowd, the multitudes that followed Him and the community comprised of everyone in Judea, Jerusalem, Samaria; everywhere He went. People’s lingua reveals where they are in the circle of commitment. Even in church people are at different points in the concentric circles and you know where people are from their lingua. 

Someone in the community would typically refer to their local church as that church. As they move into the crowd, it becomes the church I attend. When they come into the congregation, it becomes our church. The people committed and the core would usually say my church. When I hear people, I can place them easily, and it has nothing to do with spiritual discernment. It is a spiritual process revealed in God’s Word. It is very similar to the way people relate to me as a Pastor. Some call me the pastor of the church – community and the crowd. Then they say Pastor Femi – the crowd and the congregation. As they move from congregation to committed, they say, Pastor, you can hear the affinity in their voice. Then the committed to the core, it becomes my Pastor. The truth is your lingua gives you away. Bartimaeus was to be in the community but he called Jesus Rabboni (My Rabbi), catapulting himself from the community right into the core. 

Prayer: Lord, You are my strength, my rock, my fortress, my Saviour. You are my shield, the power that saves me and my place of safety, in Jesus Name. Amen! (Ps.18:1-2)

Posted on Saturday 5 September, 2020, in Ability, Acknowledge God, Caution. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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