
Heb.10:23Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.”

We will kick off today’s devotional with our final thought from yesterday which is, God always always always keeps His Word. God is not like us humans; we do not always keep our word. Sometimes we mean to keep our word, but we do not always get to keep our word. But God is not like us. Sometimes, we do not keep our word because we forget, we actually meant to do it. You promised your child a flute, but you got to the office and you just did not remember. When you get home and your child is asking for the flute, you say they are still cutting the holes on the flute. By the way that is my story. But the God we serve is eternal, He remembers everything, He does not forget. He does not slumber nor sleep.

Sometimes, we do not keep our word not because we did not remember, but because we have run out of resources. When we made the promise, we had the resources to fulfil it. But by the time the person shows up, we are unable to keep the promise because we are low on resources. Guess what? The God we serve does not run low on resources. He is not waking up today and wondering what He is going to do about the promise He made to you. God is not running low on gold, or on wealth, or on anointing, or on favour, or on wisdom, or on power…’. God is totally limitless. We do not keep our promises sometimes not because we forget, or we do not have the resources, but because we have changed our minds.

A young man promises to love to a young lady forever. But three years down the line, he says he does not love her anymore and is asking for a divorce. So, they come for counselling and when I ask why he wants a divorce, he says they have ‘irreconcilable differences’. What does that mean? Irreconcilable differences are the beauty of marriage. Those are the things that give colour to the marriage that amount to a mosaic, a masterpiece. But he insists that he just does not love her anymore. So, I press further to find out if there is some other reason and he says, ‘I do not feel the things I used to feel for her anymore. There used to be butterflies in my stomach, but they are not there anymore, the butterflies have escaped.’ What does that even mean?

Love is a commitment; love is not a feeling. Stick with the commitment. The feelings come and the feelings go, but the commitment remains. The longer you stay committed, the longer the feelings stay. There is no magic to it. However, the God we serve is not a man that He should lie, and He is not the son of man that He should repent. He does not say, ‘I love you’ today and then down the line you are not sure where God stands, or if He still loves you. Never! 1 Cor.1:9a “God faithfully keeps his promises…” (GW). Do you want a rock-solid life, a powerful life, a life that is the inspiration of the people around you? Then build your life on and focus on God’s promises.

Prayer [hymn]: Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord. Bound to Him eternally by love’s strong cord. Overcoming daily with the Spirit’s sword. Standing on the promises of God. Amen!

Posted on Sunday 13 March, 2022, in Acknowledge God, Assurance, Commitment, Love, Promise, Trust. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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