Enjoy Him
Psalm 34:5 “Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces.”
Fun is a big part of our faith. Fun is the glue that keeps us going in God. Psalm 149:2 “Let Israel rejoice in their Maker; let the people of Zion be glad in their King.” (NIV).
Your faith in God should give you gladness, and make you jump for joy. It is a misnomer to claim that your faith in God is active, yet you are sorrowful, not joyful. You are always wearing a long face. What is the problem? Nobody knows the trouble I have seen. Nobody knows my struggles. Smile. If there is an issue, go to God and ask so that your joy will be full. Do I get an Amen? The Message translation of Psalm 34:5 reads, “Look at him; give him your warmest smile. Never hide your feelings from him.”
You cannot say you are following God and your life is filled with sorrow. If it is then you should go to God to fix it. Ask God to turn that Marah into sweetened waters, and He will do it because that is what will make your joy full. When we come to God in worship, corporate or personal, it is a time to be celebrated and not tolerated. It should be enjoyed and not endured. Let’s take being in church, for example, you are in church for less than two hours mostly. But you find people looking at their watch repeatedly. It is because they do not know God and they are not enjoying God. When you are enjoying God, two hours go by very quickly.
You need to enjoy God. So, is the place of worship a place of enjoyment for you? It should be. Is your place in God a place of fun and enjoyment? The question is, if you do not have to go to God, will you? Think about it. If you do not have to go to God to ask for a breakthrough, promotion, healing, fruitfulness, or spouse, will you? I pray that you will come to that place of enjoyment in God, where even if there is nothing that you need to pray for, you will still long for God. It is one of the beauties of my life and I am grateful for that place of just enjoying God.
You need to come to that place where you enjoy God. Where you just show up and bow down at His feet in worship. When your faith in God is not contingent on what you get or don’t get. When your faith in God hinges on who He is and your enjoyment of Him, then you begin to know and grow in God. The truth is that you cannot survive being a Christian in this day and age if you do not enjoy God. There is so much that is being thrown at us. We are bombarded with so many things. If you do not enjoy God for God, you will struggle with being a Christian.
Prayer (song): If You give me a reason, Lord, I will praise You. Without a reason, I will still praise You. If You give me a miracle, yes, I will praise You. Without a miracle, I will still praise You. For You are God alone, You are God. Reigning in Majesty, Lord You reign… Amen!
Posted on Monday 17 February, 2025, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.
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