C. I. F.

Psalm 119:37 “Turn my eyes away from vanity [all those worldly, meaningless things that distract—let Your priorities be mine], And restore me [with renewed energy] in Your ways.”(AMP)


For some people, a Change In Atmosphere means you will open your Bible and it will become fresh to you. It will be as though it is not the same Bible you have been reading. What has changed? The Bible is still the same, but your atmosphere has changed. For some, you will get on your knees to pray and before you know it, three hours will be like three minutes. Why? Your atmosphere has changed. For those who have struggled to pay their children’s school fees. Not only will you pay your children’s school fees effortlessly. You will pay school fees for others. What has happened? Your atmosphere has changed. The air you breathe has changed. The way you see things has changed. Even the way you walk will change. 

The third change is a Change In Focus. You will begin to see the things you were not seeing before. They were there, but you were not seeing them because you were focused on the wrong things. Now you will begin to look in the right direction in the Name of Jesus. A classic example is in Exodus 15:22-26 (please read). The children of Israel met a body of water, bitter water, Marah. They were focused on the water. The water was just a part of the equation, it was not the problem. So, God had to show Moses a branch. The branch was there already, but their focus was on the water. In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, you will begin to look in the right direction. It is not because you are not smart. It is because you have been looking in the wrong direction. It is not because you do not have a brain, or you are not intelligent, or you cannot provide solutions. You can. It is just because you have been looking in the wrong direction. 

Sometimes, we even second-guess ourselves. Has that happened to you? The truth is you have just been looking in the wrong direction. But today your turning point has come and will begin to look in the right direction in Jesus Name. So, my mathematical mind kicked in. In math, there is something called the Quadratic equation. There are different ways to solve a quadratic equation. But there is a formula we call the “Almighty formula”. If you insert it into any equation, the result always comes out. The issue most times is we do not understand the dynamics of the equations. When the Problem side of the expression is resolved, it always produces the Result (solution). But most times, people are trying to solve the solution (result). 


Prayer: Father, cause me to see as I ought to see in every situation, in Jesus name. Amen!

Posted on Saturday 22 March, 2025, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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