Systemic Miracles

Ps.139:13-14 “You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvellous—how well I know it.


God said to Job, have you ever commanded the day to come forth? I know some people wake up and say they want to command the day. Newsflash! that is not what that scripture is saying. What God was saying is, the occurrence of day and night are systemic miracles that He put in place. When God created man, it was an invasive miracle. God formed man out of the dust of the earth, He created man in His image. However, God created systems in every man to make that miracle stand. Systems such as the nervous system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the skeletal system and so on.  And each system is operational by a miracle. 

How many people control how they breath? The times you control how you breathe is probably when you are exhausted after running. After that, you forget but you keep breathing. How many of us have determined how many times our heart beats today? It is a miracle. I know the world and a lot of teachers do not consider that a miracle, but it is a miracle. Sleeping and waking up is a huge miracle. When we sleep, we are as good as dead. Yet we wake up and we feel cool. What are we feeling cool for? Should you not hit the floor and roll before God in gratitude? 

You sleep and you wake up, but you are still worried. What are you worried about? The worry that did not kill you overnight? What are you worried about? There is no reason to worry. The God that can make you sleep and wake up, is able to take care of you. Yes, He is able, more than able. However, when there is something wrong with the systemic miracles, God time and again needs to step in and do an invasive miracle. Perhaps someone is experiencing a problem in his digestive system and it is causing a lot of aches. Or perhaps a problem in the skeletal system, or a bone issue, or perhaps a nervous system related problem. The person has been to all the doctors and they are unable to offer any solutions. He needs an invasive miracle and God in the Name of Jesus invades the situation and restores the system.

How do you even walk? have you ever sat down to consider what it takes? If they tell you what it takes for you to be able to stand balanced – your ears and the fluid levels and all, in fact, you would not want to stand up again. It is so complex. How does that happen? It is a miracle that we are able to put one leg in front of the other and we are able to walk and for some run very fast.


Prayer: Father, I thank You for the miracle of sleeping and waking up, thank You for the systemic miracles that You set up in my body, I am grateful, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Monday 28 September, 2020, in Acknowledge God, Blessings of God, Miracles. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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