Enjoy It!

Ecclesiastes 8:15 “And so I heartily recommended that you pursue joy, for the best a person can do under the sun is to enjoy life. Eat, drink, and be happy. If this is your attitude, joy will carry you through the toil every day that God gives you under the sun.”  (The Voice)


So far, we have seen that it is the fun factor in family, faith, friendships, fitness, and finance that keeps it going. Today we will be looking at our farm. The farm should be fun.

Ecclesiastes 2:24There is nothing better than for people to eat and drink and to see the good in their hard work. These beautiful gifts, I realized, too, come from God’s hand.” (The Voice, emphasis added). It is a gift from God’s hand that you enjoy your work, you enjoy your farm. Do you enjoy work (the farm)? Is your farm a place of fun and pleasure? Is your work a place of fun and enjoyment? You Put things in place that make your work enjoyable.

I guess what I am really asking is, if you do not have to go to work, will you go? Will you just go to work for going sake? Pastor, if I do that people will call me a workaholic. Until you begin to enjoy your farm, you do not get the best out of it. You only get the best out of it when you begin to enjoy the farm. I like the way the New Living Translation puts Ecclesiastes 2:24So I decided there is nothing better than to enjoy food and drink and to find satisfaction in work. Then I realized that these pleasures are from the hand of God.”  For you to enjoy food, drink, and work and find satisfaction at work it is a gift from God. It is actually a pleasure from the hand of God, the God that takes pleasure in your prospering. It gives Him pleasure for you to enjoy work. 

Beautiful! Fun is that glue that holds together family, faith, friendship, finance, fitness, farm, and gives you a bright and limitless future. You must have fun in your family, fun in your faith, fun in your friendships, fun in your finances, fun in your fitness, and fun in your farm. In the human experience fun is that glue that holds it all together. Sometimes, we take things too seriously. We take ourselves too seriously. Do not take yourself too seriously. The gospel is good news. How do you feel when you hear good news? Happy, joyful? For instance, if you get credited ten million dollars today, would that not be good news? What if you check your account and legitimately ten million dollars was credited into your account? 

How would you feel? That and much more is how you should feel when you talk about the gospel of Jesus because it is far more than gold. It is joyful to even think about it. Isaiah 52:7How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news, the good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns!”


Prayer: Father, by Your Spirit help me be deliberate about creating fun in my family, faith, friendship, finance, fitness, and farm, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Thursday 20 February, 2025, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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