Just Obey

“It was by faith that Noah built a large boat to save his family from the flood. He obeyed God, who warned him about things that had never happened before” Heb.11:7

Noah’s Example: do what God says. Imagine this, the Lord says to Noah, Noah I want you to build a boat because a flood is coming. Build a boat to save yourself, your family, and two of every kind of living creature. And Noah says to the Lord, I will do it Sir and God knows he is not lying because God sees his heart. Then Noah asks, but Lord what is a boat? And God in His mercy takes time out to explain and paint a vivid picture for Noah. And Noah says, all right Lord, I get it now. Lord, I am sorry but I have to ask, I am building this boat because it is going to rain? What is rain Lord? It had never rained on earth at the time so Noah did not know what rain was. But he was building a boat to prepare for the rain and the rain will be so much it will cause a flood. What is a flood? A flood is when there is so much rain and there is nowhere else for the water to go so it just keeps gathering and rising. Noah says so I am building a boat to protect us against a flood that the rain will cause. So Noah goes to relay this same message to everyone around him so he can warn them too. What do you think happened to Noah? They laughed at him because it did not make sense. There are some of you reading this today that God has asked you to do something but it does not make sense to do it. It just does not make sense. My advice to you is do it – just do it! Everything you see today is because somebody obeyed God. And that is the story of God’s Favourite House. I was going to do a Ph.D. outside the country but I felt this was what God wanted us to do. So I shared it with a few people and decided to do it. I said to my wife where are we going to start from? And my wife said where did we start the first church? We will start in our living room. I look at her and said this woman is crazy but that was faith. I said fine let us do it, let us start from our living room. Thinking back it was just so foolish. We did not know how it was going to happen, God’s Favourite House as you see it today. Take the step, walk on water, and believe God. Truth is it looked crazy. At our very first service on the property God gave us, we were practically worshipping on the swamp. But by the grace of God things are a lot different now. The key thing is that if we had waited, this would not have happened. Faith is obeying God, even if it looks crazy just do it. What has God told you to do and you look at yourself and say Lord where will I start? My advice to you today is just do it.


Prayer:  Father, give me the heart to obey You in the little things and in the seemingly crazy things, in Jesus Name.


Posted on Saturday 29 August, 2015, in Faith, Obedience. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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