Trust God!

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Gen.22:8 “God will provide a sheep for the burnt offering, my son,” Abraham answered…”


The story is told of an old woman carrying a huge basket on her head. A young man driving his truck along the same road saw her and offered her a ride in the back of the truck. As they journeyed along, the man looked in his rear view mirror and saw the old woman still carrying the huge basket on her head. So he stopped and pleaded with her to drop it in the back of the truck. She thanked him for the ride and insisted on carrying the load herself. A lot of us are familiar with this illustration so it makes it easier to explain my next point.

Trusting God with your salvation and eternity but not with your finances is like being in the truck and insisting on carrying the basket on your head. Something is wrong with that. How can you not trust the same God that has sorted out your eternity with your finances? The way the old woman behaved is similar to the way a lot of us are with God. What our actions say to God is, “You can save my soul but let me worry about my finances”. You need to put down the basket.

My colleague at work shows up at my desk with a budget for a project and in the natural we do not have the necessary resources at the time. I just sing one of the songs my grandmother used to sing and the translation of the song is, “God will provide for all our needs; everyone that lacks will have and everyone that has will have in abundance. There is provision for the birds of the air, do not let your heart be sad, God will provide”, Amen! I know that God will provide and this confidence rooted in the depth of my being. My colleague too began to sing that song in response to the questions on provision.

Abraham told Isaac not to worry about where the sacrifice would come from because God will provide. I have full assurance that if He, God could provide for the birds in the air, He will provide for me. You need to have the same confidence. I have been young, now I am getting old yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed beg bread. This is my answer to the question, ‘is it possible?” You are not about to break God’s record, cool down!


Prayer [song]: God of faithfulness without injustice, Good and Upright is He. God of faithfulness without injustice, Good and Upright is He. Amen!

Posted on Friday 21 July, 2017, in Acknowledge God, Finances, Trust. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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