Category Archives: Honouring God
Nurturing II
‘For you have given him authority over everyone. He gives eternal life to each one you have given him’ John 17:2
When all the comfort the eaglets originally found in the nest is gone, they have no choice but to climb on the outstretched wing of the parent. The eagle will then fly them high and just when they are enjoying the ride, the eagle will suddenly close its wings and allow its eaglets tumble downwards. Then it swoops down and picks them up just before they hit the ground. It takes them up again and repeats the same process until the eaglets find the use of their wings and begin to fly. For the eaglet the process might be horrible yet the eagle is nurturing it.
Isn’t this how God deals with us sometimes. It is almost as if He is taking us high and we are enjoying the ride then all of a sudden He drops us. Or first reaction is ‘don’t You care that we perish?’ When it appears as though we are about to hit the ground, God always picks us up on time. Then we experience another drop. If this is what you are going through then pay attention because God is saying ‘stretch out your wings yourself and begin to fly’. If you don’t, He will pick you up but you will repeat the process because He loves you too much to leave you incapacitated. He is saying to you stretch out your wings, get up and deal with the demon yourself.
There were times my wife will say to me we need to deal with something. We pray together and God sorts it out. Sometimes I say ‘I cannot rescue you all the time you go and sort it out’. Then I watch. There was this particular time something happened to my wife. I saw it and she saw it too but she said to me ‘leave me, I am going to sort this out’. She went alone by herself to pray and by morning it was sorted. She learnt to use her own wings. Many of us are raising children that can’t stand by themselves, children who cannot look people in the eye and have a normal conversation. We are raising people who are dependent on us. God is not interested in that. There are a lot of Pastors whose flock cannot hear God outside of them. God is not interested in that. God wants everybody to stretch forth his or her own wings and fly.
Prayer: Father, forgive me for the times I have resisted You during the nurturing process. I declare that henceforth I will stretch out my own wings and fly, in Jesus Name.
Learn From Nature
‘Is it at your command that the eagle rises to the heights to make its nest? It lives on the cliffs, making its home on a distant, rocky crag. From there it hunts its prey, keeping watch with piercing eyes. Its young gulp down blood. Where there’s a carcass, there you’ll find it’ Job 39:27-30.
God uses nature and things we find in nature to teach His children vital lessons and things we can do to achieve certain results. ‘The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.’ Ps.19:1-2 [KJV]. In other Read the rest of this entry
Make God Priority II
‘Seek the Kingdom of Godabove all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need’ Matt.6: 33.
God is saying the unbeliever is troubled about what he will eat and drink but you don’t worry about that. Concentrate your efforts instead on making God and the things of God priority and He will ensure that all your needs are met. You cannot spend two hours watching TV, spend two minutes reading your Bible, and then expect life to change. Yet you Read the rest of this entry
Make God Priority I
‘The first of the first fruits of thy land thou shall bring into the house of the Lord thy God…’ Ex.23:19
The fifth thing we have to reinforce or learn this year is that I must make God priority. Everyone that will have a significant walk with God and will walk in unprecedented prosperity must understand the place of prioritizing God. It is called the principle of first fruits. If you check from Genesis to Revelations God manifests it. In the garden of Eden God Read the rest of this entry
Mind My Own Business II
‘If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them gets lost, what will he do? Won’t he leave the ninety-nine others in the wilderness and go to search for the one that is lost until he finds it?’ Luke 15:4
Say to yourself over and over again until it sinks into your spirit ‘this year my job is to mind my own business’. The power in minding your own business is so enormous, it appears simple but it is so enormous. Check every one that is or has been significant in this life, they have learnt to mind their own business. If it is seeds God has put in your hands to Read the rest of this entry
Mind My Own Business I
‘The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light’ Matt.6:22[KJV]
The third thing we have to reinforce or learn this year is that my job is to mind my own business. I am to mind my own business and you are to mind your own business. God is going to be doing amazing things in peoples lives. Thank God for what He is doing but focus on your own because God is going to be doing great things in your life too. Do not get Read the rest of this entry
Giving The Ultimate Gift
‘When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them’ Luke 2:17-18 [NIV]
I hope you plan to give gifts this Christmas. Christmas offers an amazing opportunity for everyone to give gifts of love to one another. God gave His Son Jesus and Jesus gave His life. It is because God gave that is why we can even celebrate Christmas today. Now the ball is in our court. What will you give your friends, family, in-laws, neighbors or even your enemies? God’s word Read the rest of this entry
The Law of Beginnings
‘Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin…’ Zec.4:10
It is God’s desire that we start from where we are and move to where He alone can take us. It is called the law of beginnings. Some people tend to ignore the beginning because they believe that the beginning does not determine the end. While this is true in some cases, it is also dangerous in many cases. There are some foundational things that must be sorted before starting any venture and Read the rest of this entry
Commitment vs. Routine
‘And so the Lord says, “These people say they are Mine. They honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. And their worship of Me is nothing but man-made rules learned by rote’ Isa.29:13.
God wants us to be committed in everything we do. He wants us to be committed to Him, to our family, to our jobs, our relationships and career because without commitment we cannot grow. Yet when commitment is done in a such way that it has no meaning anymore, it becomes just a routine. For instance, a lot of people Read the rest of this entry
Honour God
‘Honour the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce’ Prov.3:9
God does not need our money but He wants us to honour Him. Why, because there are blessings attached to honouring God. Giving is a way of honouring God [Prov.3:9]. It is wisdom to honour God with our wealth because we know that nothing happens unless God approves it. Yet even with giving some approaches are Read the rest of this entry