Pause & Check

Luke 11:34&36 “Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light. But when it is unhealthy, your body is filled with darkness… If you are filled with light, with no dark corners, then your whole life will be radiant…”


The first problem with bitterness is Bitterness Has A Dangerous Root. The second problem with bitterness is Bitterness Produces A Poisonous Fruit.  Hebrews 12:15 “See to it that … no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.” (NIV, emphasis added). When the root of bitterness grows up, it causes trouble and defiles many. Bitterness is not just a root—It is a root that produces bad fruit. Read the rest of this entry

No Records

1 Corinthians 13:4-6 “Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous or conceited or proud; love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable; love does not keep a record of wrongs; love is not happy with evil, but is happy with the truth.” (GNT, emphasis added).


Bitterness is an underground job—it happens beneath the surface, so nobody sees it, and that is why it is so dangerous. Bitterness has a dangerous root. You may still be smiling and even still be in friendship with the person, but the deep-seated bitterness is growing. Read the rest of this entry

Pay Attention

Proverbs 4:23 “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” (NIV)


The interesting thing about the holidays is they tend to magnify our emotions. Why are we discussing holidays now? So that you can guard your heart against the seed of offense, preventing the root of bitterness in advance. So, if someone is lonely during Christmas, for example, the loneliness will hit the rooftop. Read the rest of this entry

Guard Against It!

Hebrews 12:15 “Watch over each other to make sure that no one misses the revelation of God’s grace. And make sure no one lives with a root of bitterness sprouting within them which will only cause trouble and poison the hearts of many.” (TPT)


The enemy’s plan is to plant a seed of offense that creates a root of bitterness. Most times, the things that cause this root of bitterness sometimes appear small. For example, you follow your friend on social media, and you always like their posts. In fact, before they are done posting something,

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Watch Out

Matthew 15:13 “Jesus replied, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted is destined to be uprooted …pulled up by the roots.” (NIV & TPT)


This year 2024 is fast expiring, however, you have to keep guarding your heart to prevent the root of bitterness from taking root. Have you experienced deep-seated betrayals? You need to make up your mind that absolutely nothing will frustrate the grace of God upon your life in the Name of Jesus. Read the rest of this entry


Hebrews 12:14-15 “Work at getting along with each other and with God… Make sure no one gets left out of God’s generosity. Keep a sharp eye out for weeds of bitter discontent. A thistle or two gone to seed can ruin a whole garden in no time.” (MSG)


We thank God for teaching us and helping us to let go of things. Over the next few days, God is going to teach us to let go of bitterness. The truth is that people are going to hurt you. People are going to say all sorts of things about you. But you must make sure that you let go of bitterness. Read the rest of this entry

Remembered Forever!

2 Corinthians 9:8-9 “And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. As the Scriptures say, “They share freely and give generously to the poor. Their good deeds will be remembered forever.”


2 Corinthians 9:10-11 “For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you. Yes, you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous. Read the rest of this entry

Give More

Acts 20:35 “…You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”


To live the One Handful Living, the first thing you need to do is Throw Out. The second thing you do is Buy Less. And the third thing you need to do to live the One Handful Life is Give More. Read the rest of this entry

Buy Less

Luke 12:15 “…Take care! Protect yourself against the least bit of greed. Life is not defined by what you have, even when you have a lot.” (MSG, emphasis added)


To live what is known as the One Handful Living, the first thing you need to do is Throw Out and the second thing you do is Buy Less. I get that with Black Friday and Cyber Monday, we get good deals. I get it. Some of us are prudent,

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Better Than

Ecclesiastes 4:6 “One handful of peaceful repose is better than two fistfuls of worried work—more spitting into the wind.” (MSG, emphasis added).


Yesterday, we began to look at how to achieve the One Handful Living and the first way is Throw Out. However, people struggle to let go because of Fear and Sentiments. We all have things that we are sentimental about, and I too am guilty of this. Read the rest of this entry