Holy Matrimony I

‘Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge’ Heb.13:4 [KJV]


There are varying opinions out there about marriage and what is ‘acceptable’ within the confines of marriage especially on the topic of sexual acts in marriage.  Are there wrong sexual acts inside of marriage – is oral sex allowed within marriage? Some people would tell you that engaging in oral sex, anal sex, masturbation, pornography within marriage is wrong. I would personally not group oral sex with anal sex, pornography, and masturbation. I agree that engaging in masturbation and pornography is wrong because it hurts your partner and may eventually break up that marriage. Anal sex was never part of God’s plan so lets not even go there. They are just not in the same category and to categorize them together is incorrect. Some people will say that the only sexually acceptable position within marriage is the missionary position. People are just being overly legalistic. The Bible says in the marriage relationship the bed is undefiled. Some people will tell you that sex within marriage is purely for reproductive purposes alone. If we were not meant to enjoy food, God would not have given us taste buds in the first place. While the scripture is silent on oral sex, there are pointers to oral sex in the Bible. There are scriptures that allude to oral sex using poetic metaphors [Songs of Solomon 2:3; 4:16; 8:2; & 7:8] I once met someone of another religion who had issues submitting to Jesus because in his opinion a book like Songs of Solomon should not be in the Bible because of its sexual nature. You cannot be holier than God. God put the book there for your benefit and for His glory.

However, there are couples that have inhibitions in the area of oral sex. If you do, then leave it alone. If your spouse does not like it then leave it alone. But, if both of you are okay with it, it’s fine. I know some people will strongly object to my position as it relates to this topic but I would point you to your Bible. My preferences are not the question here it is about what the Bible says.


Prayer: Precious Holy Spirit, help me know what is acceptable within the confines of my marriage even as I submit my sexuality to You, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Thursday 22 August, 2013, in Holy Spirit, Marriage. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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