Acts Of Mercy II

‘And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!Matt.25:40


It is the hand that gives that receives. It is the person that is merciful that obtains mercy. We are the church, the church doesn’t exist for us, rather, we exist for the world. You need to get it into your psyche that the church doesn’t exist for you but rather you are the church and you exist for the world. So lend yourself to acts of mercy. There is no way you will give towards building churches and reaching people who would never have heard the gospel and you will cry to God that you will not be answered. There is no way that you are clothing and educating people that in your time of need heaven will be silent. It is not possible! God will raise help for you. I encourage you because when you talk about acts of mercy people only think about giving money. Yet there are several things that you have that you have not made use of for over six months. My opinion is that you do not really need those things so give them out. For instance, the cloths or shoes that have been laying in your wardrobe for over six months you really don’t need them. Take them to your church so that through their handshake with specialized ministries these items can be given to people who desperately need them. Give them out and you will experience joy unexplainable. When those people wear those shoes for instance, for every step they take you will be blessed. That is how you should think about it. Do not think like people who hear that shoes are being collected for the needy and instantly they are thinking about how they deserve to get some. That is a poverty mentality. Instead seek to contribute to the giving – acts of mercy. The problem is that many of us have walked in the shoes of the needy at some point but we still refuse to show mercy. We know what it is to be forgiven but we chose not to forgive. We know what it is to be hungry but we ignore people who are hungry. We know what it is to go through challenges and for God to see us through. But we see people going through similar things and we snub them. I am praying that God will restore your bowels of mercy.


Prayer: Father, please restore my bowels of mercy and give me a burden for the needy and those going through rough times, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Sunday 20 October, 2013, in Mercy, Seed & Harvest. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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