Pure In Heart

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.Matt.5:8 [NIV].


If there is something that is pervasive in this generation it is that purity is something of the past. People are insisting that this is the twenty first century and that purity is a thing of days past. Guess what, God is the Ancient of Days, He does not grow old, and He remains the same. Times will change, seasons will change, cultures will change but the Word of God will remain the same. Instead of purity to be a thing to be desired, culture is trying to mold us into accepting that the lack of purity is the norm. Virginity in ladies for instance should be something to be excited about and celebrated but instead people are speaking against it. A mother was telling me that her husband was saying to their teenage daughter that men of this generation do not want virgins anymore so the girl should go and get rid of her virginity. How can a father be saying that to his daughter regardless of her age? In fact I hear that in the days past when you get married, the whole community is waiting outside your door on the night of the honeymoon. And the man must come out with the white bed sheet that carries proof that his wife was a virgin. Otherwise the lady has brought reproach to the family. Unfortunately we are being told that that is not really important any more. But God is saying ‘blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.Matt.5:8 [NIV]. Every believer should want to see God and we will all see God in Jesus Name. In my years of experience as a Pastor, counseling different types of married couples ranging from people old enough to be my grand parents to people I am wondering what business they have getting married at their age, there is nothing that confuses a marriage as badly as sexual impurity. Sexual impurity before marriage, whether with each other or with other partners is a major barrier in unity in marriage. So God is saying one thing and the culture of the world is saying something totally different. As children of God, the blue print for our lives is the Word of God and it states that blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God.


Prayer: Father, no man can stay pure by himself except by Your Spirit. Give me a heightened desire for purity every waking day, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Monday 21 October, 2013, in Holiness, Purity, Truth vs. Error. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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