For What You Do

‘Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted’ Matt.5:4 [NIV].


You are blessed for what you do. The first thing that Jesus did with the beatitudes is to shatter the false understanding that a person can be saved without being changed. So the theory that people propound that once you are saved there is really no fruit that should be expected from you is false. They propose that Jesus paid it all so you can sleep with whoever you want to sleep with, abuse whoever you want to abuse, be as filthy as you like but just plead the blood of Jesus and you would be fine. Jesus debunks that lie totally with the beatitudes. You cannot be saved without being changed and you cannot be changed without being saved. But once you are saved, heaven and earth expect you to change. The second thing Jesus shattered with the beatitudes is the misunderstanding of tying materialism to blessedness. When people have a new car they are called blessed. When you go their breath-taking palace of a mansion with living rooms and kitchens the size of a football field you call them blessed. Jesus debunked this theory totally when He said ‘blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth’. If you go through the list of the people Jesus categorized as blessed, you would see clearly that it has nothing to do with materialism. Thank God for the new jobs and you will have new jobs, thank God for the promotions and you will be promoted, but for you to prosper in the things of the spirit those things should mean next to nothing to you. The Sermon on the Mount was the longest sermon that Jesus preached as He devoted time to setting a couple of things straight. Jesus puts it this way ‘seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all other things shall be added unto you’ Matt.6:33. In essence what Jesus was saying is that you will get the material possessions because God knows that you need them but the approach to acquiring wealth is wrong. Seek God first and all these other things that the gentiles seek after, that they play politics and stab themselves in the back for will be added unto you.


Prayer: Father, I thank You for the comfort and relief that comes with knowing You and knowing Your Word. Help me to seek You first in all things, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Wednesday 30 October, 2013, in Commitment, Honouring God. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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