Lend Your Arms

‘And after the uproar was ceased, Paul called unto him the disciples, and embraced them…’ Acts 20:1 [KJV]


Another way to give this season without spending any money is to give a hug to the lonely. For some people the hug they receive from you this season is the only hug they have received this month and for some it is the only hug they have received this year. What will it cost you to give someone a hug – absolutely nothing? God is counting on you to lend your arms and bring His warmth to the lonely heart this season. ‘And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’ Matt.25:40 [Also read Matt. 25: 34-40]. Think of it this way, when you hug people this season, it is Jesus you are really hugging.

Scientists say that touch is so powerful. Some researchers did some extensive research studying nine hundred hours of basket ball games. And they discovered that the team that touched the most won the most. The teams where the players were fond of given themselves hi-fives or hugs were the teams that won the most. Amazing right? If you want your marriage to work, then invest in the power of touch a lot. This is a revelation to some people. Just hug your spouse for hugging sake. Some people only hug their spouse when they need something. Just a tap on the back or a head rub and you will see remarkable difference. The team that touches the most wins the most; your marriage is a team. Some people are so averse to touching, you touch them and they freeze. I used to be like that, I must confess. Back in the day I do not hug any one regardless of the sex. The best I can give you is a handshake and a brief one at that. Back then I was in a fellowship but I had to travel for a while. So when I got back everybody was excited to see me. As they rushed towards me they met with my extended hand. So the head of our unit who was a lady saw me doing that to everyone and as I got to her she just hit my hand away and grabbed me and I cringed. I must have said a prayer in my heart. A hug will not kill you. You can give a hug to the lonely.

Thought: Pour out your life for others, and watch God fill it with immeasurable blessings.


Prayer: Father, help me to wrap Your warmth around those You lead me to today, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Saturday 21 December, 2013, in Christmas, Love. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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