Fulfilling Purpose

‘Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit… And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the ageMatt.28:19-20.


Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations’. This is the marching order that Jesus gave the first disciples and by extension to us when He was physically leaving the earth. Yet, even though many believers have these instructions, they are frozen. Jesus says ‘go’ but we are stuck. Some people hear Jesus say ‘go and make disciples’ and they really go. They go to their jobs, their homes, their cars, and many other places but they really don’t go as Jesus instructed. These people have obeyed only a part of the instruction ‘go’ but have left out ‘make disciples’. Some other people read this passage of scripture but they simply cannot see Jesus giving them an instruction. They say, Jesus cannot be telling me to go and make disciples because I have come to church to get my own breakthrough, to get a good husband, to get a good wife, to get my new car, to get financial breakthrough, and to get promoted. How can Jesus be telling me to make disciples when I have my problems? This group of people see church as a solution center, but the church is much more than that. Lord, just sort me out because I now know Jesus is speaking to me. I have good news for you, Jesus is speaking to you and He is saying, ‘go and make disciples’. For some others, they have embraced this instruction and they know Jesus is speaking to them but they have no clue how to go about it. I have good news for you, as we delve into this season, you will see how effortless it is to evangelize. And the final group of people is those that are going [evangelizing] already. By the time you finish experiencing this season, you will go further faster and you will be more effective in Jesus Name. God has called us to fulfill a purpose. Not everybody is called to be a Pastor, an Evangelist, a Prophet, or a Teacher. Some people are called to be professionals, politicians, business people, home keepers, or industry leaders. Everybody has a destiny to fulfill but the ultimate purpose of your destiny, the highest purpose of your calling is to lead people to God – take note of this.


Prayer: Father Lord, I pray that my life will fulfill Kingdom focused purposes, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Wednesday 2 April, 2014, in Focus, Witnessing. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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