God’s Idea

‘I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart
and appointed you as my prophet to the nations’ Jer.1:5.


Everything starts with an idea. You probably moved around today in a car; that car was somebody’s idea. Even if you walked, the shoes on your feet were someone’s idea. Even you reading this today, you are an idea, somebody’s idea. Sadly, for some reading this today, their parents told them that they were born mistakenly or they should have been flushed down the drain. Have you heard some parents say that very nasty thing? Guess what, you are God’s idea. They just didn’t know but God had you in mind. For some, their parents tried to abort them but it just didn’t work; the child refused to go away. For a friend of mine, this was his story. His father told his mother that as far as he was concerned, he had finished having all his children so he did not quite know where the baby came from. Now fast-forward forty years; this same father is so proud of his son. This same son they tried to get rid of is perhaps one of, if not his greatest son today. Why? Because God had an idea. For some of us, our parents had an idea for something totally different. With my parents for example, the idea they had for me was that I would be a girl. Just imagine that! They had two strong energetic boys and my mum says it’s time to have a girl and ‘close shop’. But God had another idea. When they got pregnant for me at the time, they used to go to all sorts of prophets. Everywhere they went to check, they were told that the child was going to be a girl. Even the scan at the hospital said the baby was going to be a girl. So if you see my baby pictures, I was wearing girl clothes because my parents shopped for their girl. My mum said when I came out and she saw me, she said ‘O! another boy’. God had a plan for me and He hid my life from everybody. And I have noticed that with people that God brings to God’s Favourite House, people underestimate them; but they will be shocked when they see God’s idea. God has a plan for you; you are God’s idea. I pray for everyone reading this devotional today; God will give you an idea that people will pay for and keep paying for even while you are sleeping, in Jesus Name. Believe me! Everything starts with an idea.


Prayer: Father, as Your plan for me unfolds, hide my life from preying eyes, in Jesus Name.


Posted on Tuesday 17 June, 2014, in Destiny, Encouragement, Purpose. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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