
‘I will confirm him as king over my house and my kingdom for all time, and his throne will be secure forever.’” 1Chr.17:14


When talking about Legacy, what we are actually referring to is that thing you will be remembered for from generation to generation. For some people the only legacy they have is their tombstone. I urge you today to think about it, when you are gone [not if but when], what will you be remembered for. When you go will people say, “Praise God”? The Bible says about Dorcas that when she died the widows gave Peter no rest. This woman must not die. Will people say something similar about you? If you are missing in the church of God, may people not say good riddance. Your legacy is that which you are remembered for from generation to generation.

There are three “S’s” on the road to legacy. The road to legacy usually starts with survival. That is, people don’t usually think of legacy, they just want to survive initially. Survival is man just looking for his daily bread. It is ok to start with survival because everybody usually starts with survival. But as God helps, you will move from survival level. I am praying that you will not die at survival, in Jesus name. You will become successful. So there is a survival level and then a successful level. The survival level, you are just starting a business and you are struggling. In the successful level, your business is doing well and it is successful in a way. In other words, you have done well for yourself and your children can say you are pretty much successful. And I am praying that you will not die at the successful level, in Jesus name. May you go beyond. So there is the survival level of existence, the success level of existence, and then the significant level of existence. Some people are successful but not significant. You can be successful and insignificant. The significant level of living means that you are significant in people’s lives. Think about it, in how many people’s lives are you significant? Don’t worry if you aren’t there yet but know that you are going to get there in Jesus Name. Don’t worry if you are in the survival level now but know that you are not going to die there. You are going to be successful and you are going to be significant, in Jesus Name.


Prayer: Father, let it please You to promote me to the level of significance in my generation, in Jesus Name.


Posted on Friday 12 September, 2014, in Guidance, Personal Growth, Prayer. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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