Divine Companion

“But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when you will be scattered, each one going his own way, leaving me alone. Yet I am not alone because the Father is with me” John 16:32


Divine companionship means I cannot be confused when I have to make tough decisions because God is beside me. If I need to do something I don’t know anything about, all I have to do is watch how Jesus did it and do the same. When people try to harass me, I do not get intimidated because God is behind me. Do you know the Tom and Jerry cartoon? Tom is forever chasing Jerry around the house, up on the roof, and down the alley. But suddenly Jerry takes a bend and Tom follows and sees Jerry standing there just posing. Tom knows something is wrong so he stops and advances slowly. When he gets close enough, he sees the bulldog behind Jerry and the direction of the chase reverses. God is behind you.

What can we ever say to such wonderful things as these? If God is on our side, who can ever be against us?” Rom.8:31 [TLB]. I just wonder sometimes; don’t you know that God is behind you? If you knew that God is behind you what would you dare? Begin to dare those things because God is behind you. Paul puts it this way, “For in Him we live, move, and have our beingActs 17:28. God is all to us. The mountains are going to melt before you because God is with you. Loneliness will end in your life if you really understand this truth. Marriage is not the end of loneliness. There are many married people who are lonely even though they share the same bed with their spouse. If this characterizes your marriage, Jesus will step into that marriage and turn things around for good, in Jesus Name.

The key is the tangible Presence of God. Some years ago my wife and I were in the car with my friend and his fiancé at the time. We were driving into Lagos at about 3 a.m., having a good time and conversation but I heard the Holy Spirit say to me keep quiet. I did not know why but I obeyed. And next thing I knew, men holding guns and stopping cars surrounded us; we were in the third car in the row of cars. Naturally, fear covered everyone like a blanket and God said to me, do not stop, keep driving. How can you keep driving when gunmen are telling you to stop? My legs were shaking physically but I kept driving even though I was later told I was moving very slowly. Everybody was praying but my instruction was to keep quiet so I did not pray and we went through them. The key here is everyone born of a woman will go through challenges but what will differentiate you is be the Presence of God, the communion and companionship of God.


Prayer: Holy Spirit, please take me into a fresh reality of walking consistently in the tangible Presence God today and beyond, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Saturday 9 May, 2015, in Companionship, Direction, Fellowship, Marriage. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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