What’s Your Excuse?

“The lazy person claims, “There’s a lion on the road! Yes, I’m sure there’s a lion out there!” Prov.26:13


The story is told of a husband and wife on a Sunday morning. The lady gets ready for church, gets the children ready, but she looked at her husband still snoozing and it was time to go to church. So the woman says to her husband, “Honey, are you not going to church?” And he responded, “I have three cogent reasons not to go to church. Number one, the weather is good. Number two, not many people like me in the church anyway, some people are always giving me the eye in church. And number three, can’t a man just decide to relax at home on a Sunday morning? And his wife responded, “I also have three cogent reasons why you should be in church today. Number one, the weather is good. Number two there are more people that love you in church than dislike you. And number three, you are the Pastor!” Yes, Pastors sometimes don’t want to go to church. However, the truth is if we do not do what God expects us to do, time just passes. But you will make your life count.

What is your excuse? Really, what is your excuse for not giving your best and for not making your life count? What is stopping you? A lot of the time, we are experts at making excuses and finding someone to blame. In fact, some people find someone or something to blame in every situation. Do you know any of such people? If you don’t then perhaps you are the person who is always saying it is someone else’s fault or pointing out how someone else could have done things better. It is interesting because we blame our cars, blame the weather, blame the country, blame the politicians, blame the economy, blame our spouses, and blame the electricity providers – we blame everything. The danger with blaming everything is that you are left with nothing to work with. When everything around you takes the blame for one thing or the other then what else would you have to work with? Some people put the blame on everybody and everything they can see and even blame the church. And sometimes when there is nothing left to physically put blame on, we begin to imagine things to blame like the man in Prov.26:13, the Word of God calls him a lazy person. He is in his house but he is claiming there is a lion on the road. The lion is a figment of his imagination. For a lot of people, the reason they cannot take their business to the next level is because there is a lion in the way. Even if there is a lion out there, greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. A greater lion is within you. People that make excuses are experts in finding someone or something to blame. The question is, why wouldn’t you be all that God has created you to be?


Prayer: I speak to my heart in Jesus Name, heart take courage and boldness to make this my one life count for God’s glory, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Friday 19 June, 2015, in Commitment, Excuses, Focus, Guidance. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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