True Sacrifice

Instead, He gave up His divine privileges; …He humbled Himself in obedience to God… Therefore, God elevated Him to the place of highest honor and gave Him the name above all other namesPhil.2:7-9

For they gave a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she had to live onMark 12:44. True sacrifice and the right heart get God’s attention. God loves cheerful givers but more importantly God is after the heart of those who give. The cheerfulness you see is an overflow of the state of their heart when they give. True sacrifice with God has eternal rewards. What is it that God requires of you and how long are you going to spend contemplating it? Will whatever is holding you back matter in eternity? Guess what, as long as it is true sacrifice, it will never be convenient. Take a cue from Abraham and David; they got to the place of honour by being truly sacrificial. If God requires it then just do it. God Himself performed the ultimate sacrifice. Every sacrifice that God needs to make for you, He has already done but your own sacrifice can only be done by you [Matt.16:25]. There is a sacrifice that you need to offer to God. Ask for the grace, make the move, and watch God glorify Himself. Paul referred to true sacrifice as dying to self. The sacrifice you made to get you to this level of revelation with God is terribly insufficient for your next level with God. Every level demands the true sacrifice for that level. Devotion comes with a price. Commitment to God calls for self-sacrifice. It is a choice to sacrifice your personal will for the will of God. When it’s all said and done, the only thing that will matter is how you have walked with God. It is your heart-walk not whether kings served you or you served kings that will guarantee your eternity. Being the kindest person or the most giving person will not guarantee you eternity with Jesus. The rich young ruler was a good person and he obeyed every commandment. He wanted to know if that was enough to guarantee eternity. Jesus said to him, the key is to give everything you have to the poor and follow God. In other words, Jesus was saying, devotion requires all or nothing. The key to spending eternity with Jesus is to stay committed to Him. Commitment equates longevity just like God’s idea for marriage.

Make God priority at all times and stay glued to God. A hundred years from now, the only thing that will matter is your relationship with God and not your social standing. Is Jesus the Lord of your life? Are you washed in the Blood? Are you committed to and living for Him? Staying devoted to God not only guarantees you eternal life, it guarantees you safety, provision, victory, excellence, and the list is endless. In actual sense, staying devoted to God is doing yourself the greatest favour.

Prayer:  Father, I ask for the grace to offer true sacrifice to You. I pray that the sacrifice of my life will come to you as a sweet smelling savor, in Jesus Name.



Posted on Sunday 1 November, 2015, in Giving, Sacrifice. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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