Take Responsibility

Train up your child in the way he should go: and when he old, he will not depart from it” Prov.22:6 [KJV, emphasis added]


Your children are smarter than you think. It is unwise to over protect them or shield them from pain. Think about your own life and growing up. Did you become who you are today because your parents shielded you from pain? Absolutely not, but by interacting with pain, you learnt to rise above it. Parents today are shielding their children from the necessary pains that made us who we are. For instance, some parents will not allow their children go anywhere with public transport. Again I say, your children are smarter than you think. If that child is left to find his or her own way home using the public commute system, he or she will probably get home before you. But unfortunately, we protect our children from pain. We find unnecessary comfort in blaming everything else but ourselves. Increasingly in our society today, parents are going to fight other children for their own children. What is wrong with you? Parents are screaming threats at school administrators because another child called their own child names. If your child does not know how to prevail over his or her mates then he or she is not ready for the world. And the world is a very wicked place.

The sad reality if we continue like that is we will be raising people, a next generation, that is weak. You need to stop shielding your children unnecessarily from pain so that they too can learn now to rise above it. A child must know how to endure pain. A child wakes up and says he does not want to go to school because he or she is being teased in class. You cannot afford to encourage that because it is weakness. You might call me old fashioned but the truth is that is the mistake of the West. And as a result power is shifting from the West. In time to come, the children that will be in charge will either be from Africa or the East. The question is will your children be strong enough? I pray they will be in Jesus Name. Sometime ago my wife was telling me about someone who had been a marine for fourteen years but was now taking hormonal drugs to become a woman because since he was a child people always called him a girl. Something is definitely wrong with that. People do not take responsibility for their own lives anymore. You are beating your wife and your excuse is that your father used to beat your mother, or that you were mentally abused and scared as a child. Really? Take responsibility for your own life!


Prayer: Lord Jesus, empower me to bring up these children You have placed in my care in the way of the Lord so that God will be glorified, in Jesus Name.


Posted on Thursday 10 December, 2015, in Pain, Parenting, Responsibility. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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