
“He told him, “Go wash yourself in the pool of Siloam” (Siloam means “sent”). So the man went and washed and came back seeing!” John 9:7


“He told him, “Go wash yourself in the pool of Siloam”, in essence Jesus was saying to him, you are blind but you are not lame so go to the pool. Use your legs, walk! The man could have given a lot of excuses such as; I cannot see, I do not know the way, or I would bump into a wall. A lot of us are used to giving excuses. Stop giving excuses. STOP IT! Personally, I grow very impatient with people who give excuses. Stop giving excuses and fix it! Jesus said to the men, you are blind but you are not lame.

The second thing inherent in that instruction, “Go wash” is, you are blind but you are not dumb. You can ask for help. How did Jesus expect the blind man to get to the pool? Ask for help. Ask for someone to take your hand and show you the way. Ask for help, it will not kill you. Many people are so uptight, particularly men but interestingly some women are also egocentric.

Years ago, my wife and I we were going out but we had obviously gotten lost trying to locate the place. So she suggested that we should ask people for directions. I refused and insisted that we would find the place. We spent a lot of minutes perambulating and after a while I agreed to ask for directions. I could have saved myself many vital minutes. It is said that the person that asks for direction does not get lost. Have you heard that before? So I say to you again, swallow your pride and ask for help, you will not die. When some people ask for help you can tell they are in so much pain just because they are asking for help. Learn to ask for help.

What God is saying to us in essence is, do not let a limitation in one area ground your entire life. Blind yes but you can walk, you can talk, you can hear, feel, smell, and taste. I have seen this so many times, people who let what they are trusting God for in one area, ground their entire life and they come to a standstill. So do not just sit there, Jesus is saying to you, Go and wash. Do not let a limitation in one area of your life ground your entire life.


Prayer: Father, help me move beyond excuses and move beyond limitations in one area of my life. Empower me to move into the victorious consistently, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Friday 29 January, 2016, in Move, Obedience. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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