
“What’s more, I am changing your name. It will no longer be Abram. Instead, you will be called Abraham, for you will be the father of many nations” Gen.17:5

God’s instruction for us in this season is Re-Tune. To tune is to put into proper pitch. The purpose of tuning any instrument is to put it in proper pitch. To tune is also to adjust to a desired frequency. If you are tuning a radio, you are adjusting it to a desired frequency. To re-tune therefore means to put into proper pitch again. To re-tune means to readjust into a desired frequency.

Many times we start out life tuned but life throws stuff at us that detunes us. For instance, we started out this year tuned from a prophetic standpoint. Let’s say God’s Word for you this year is Bloom and you tuned in. But as the days go by, stuff is thrown at you – challenges, pressure, life just happens and you get detuned. And like an instrument that is detuned, you are sounding off. This is how a lot of us get out of tune with God and His Word for us. Some people go way off. But God is saying to you today, re-tune.

For many of us, we are out of tune in our relationships – detuned. God is saying to you re-tune. There are husbands that are detuned, sounding off, and not on the right frequency with their wives. God is saying re-tune. There are also wives who are out of tune with their husbands. They are just flat mates because they are seriously out of tune. Heaven is saying to you today, re-tune. And there are parents that are out of tune with their children. God is saying the same thing to you, re-tune.

Some people are completely out of tune with their destiny. They should be heading in a certain direction but are currently out of tune. Heaven will re-tune you, in Jesus Name. Some people’s lives are out of tune with their destiny not because of any fault of theirs. Some were just ushered into this world detuned. How is that possible you wonder? From birth, the names they were given detuned them from their destiny. For instance, Abraham the father of faith was initially named Abram. The name Abram [exalted father] detuned him from his destiny [father of nations]. So God had to retune him and give him another name, so that Abram can become Abraham. God had to also re-tune Sarai to Sarah.

Prayer: Father, let it please You to re-tune all the aspects of my life that have gone out of tune with You and the destiny You have for me, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Saturday 12 March, 2016, in Grace, Remember, Repentance, Surrender. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. It’s really a great and useful piece. I’m glad that you shared this with us. Thanks for sharing.

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