Ask Gehazi

Such is the fate of all who are greedy for money; it robs them of lifeProv.1:19.


Greed is very powerful. It blinds the sharpest Prophet and reduces hearing accuracy. Ask Gehazi. He could have gotten quadruple of Elijah’s anointing [double of Elisha’s anointing]. But what did he get? Leprosy – and it was because of greed. You will not get leprosy, in  Jesus Name. The best definition of greed I have come across is this, “Greed is the assumption that everything that comes my way is for my consumption” – Andy Stanley. If you think that major financial bonus you received is for your consumption alone, you are greedy. In fact, one major question you need to answer is, why do you want to be wealthy?

Everyone in God’s Favourite House is going to be wealthy. I am not saying this to make you feel good. I am saying it because it is a fact. It is what God has said to us and it is going to happen in Jesus Name [say amen]. The question is what are you going to do with the wealth God assigns to you? Is the wealth for you to marry more wives or so you can behave like a rascal? I have seen people do this. Why do you want to be wealthy? You have to answer that question. And until you answer that question, nothing happens.

Greed is a major de-tuner. Think about your total annual income. I pray that God will give you everything you earn in a year in one month. Then what? I do not know about you but it unsettles me because I want to get God’s mind. What are you going to do with it? Buy another car, another house, another dress, buy new shoes, or finally get that hand bag you have been eyeing. If that is all, then that is a sorry case.

I once heard someone say a person in his church gave the church a million dollars for the work of the Gospel and he was trusting God that someone else will give a cheque of five million dollars. And I said to myself, five million dollars is not even enough for what we want to do for Jesus in God’s Favourite House. I am praying that one person in God’s Favourite House will write off the debt of this nation. I know some of you do not believe me but you will see it and you would be a part of it. That is the difference between Elisha and me [2 Kings 7:2].

Prayer: Lord, I pray that I would not substitute spiritual wealth with earthly greed, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Thursday 17 March, 2016, in Finances, Giving, Heart. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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