Category Archives: Heart


Psalm 51:10 “Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me.”


God has been teaching us about the importance of the heart and showing us why we have to guard our hearts. Two things are important to have a spiritually healthy heart—eat right and exercise. For food, we are to feed on the undiluted powerful Word of God. Read the rest of this entry

In Character

1 Samuel 2:8 “He lifts the poor from the dust and the needy from the garbage dump. He sets them among princes, placing them in seats of honour. For all the earth is the Lord’s, and he has set the world in order”


Do you feel like you are in the dust? God is going to lift you up. Do you feel like you are in the garbage dump? You are a candidate for lifting. God will set you among princes and sit you in seats of honour. Why? It is because the earth is the Lord’s. Read the rest of this entry


1 Corinthians 2:9 “But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” (NKJV)

Guess what? If God is going to do things that eyes have not seen in your life, then things that eyes have not seen begin to happen to you, and you think it is strange. Do not think it is strange. It is because God is about to do that which eyes have not seen. Read the rest of this entry

Replace & Refocus

Hebrews 2:11 “Jesus, who makes people holy, and those who are made holy are from the same family. So he is not ashamed to call them his brothers and sisters.” (NCV).

Jesus is not ashamed of you! Jesus is not ashamed to call you His sister, His brother! Totally mind blowing! This is God’s truth, right there in His Word. So, you and I must REPLACE Old Lies With God’s Truth. Your father, spouse, or even your children may be ashamed of you. Read the rest of this entry

Release & Replace

Psalm 8:4 “what are human beings, that you think of them; mere mortals, that you care for them?” (GNT)

RELEASE Those Who Hurt You. One of the biggest misconceptions that a lot of us have is that if we forgive ‘them’, then they are free. No! When you forgive them, then you are free. It has nothing to do with them. They will reap the harvest of their actions in full measure, pressed down, shaken together, Read the rest of this entry

Reveal It!

Psalm 34:17-18 “Is anyone crying for help? God is listening, ready to rescue you. If your heart is broken, you’ll find God right there; if you’re kicked in the gut, he’ll help you catch your breath.” (MSG)

One of the things we tend to do when we are going through an emotionally challenging time is to hide our hurt. We put up a ‘good face’ in church, at home, and amongst friends – a façade! When people ask, ‘How are you doing?’, you respond, ‘I am good!’ Meanwhile, you are bleeding and dying inside. Read the rest of this entry

Just Come

Matthew 11:28 “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]” (AMPC).

Over the next few days, God is taking us on a journey of emotional metamorphosis. God wants you to have a transformation even in your emotional health. God wants you to have healing in your emotions and be emotionally healthy. Your emotional health is big with God. Read the rest of this entry

R & R

Proverbs 18:15 “Intelligent people are always ready to learn. Their ears are open for knowledge.”

To make the most of your life, to have mental metamorphosis, to enjoy consistent mental health Do Not Believe Everything You THINK. Guard Your Mind Against GARBAGE. Let God Stretch Your IMAGINATION. Renew Your Mind Daily With GOD’S WORD. Read the rest of this entry

Brand New

Romans 12:2 “Don’t copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” (emphasis added).

To make the most of your life, to have mental metamorphosis, to enjoy consistent mental health Do Not Believe Everything You THINK. Guard Your Mind Against GARBAGE. The third thing is, Let God Stretch Your IMAGINATION. You need to allow God to stretch your imagination. Read the rest of this entry

Keep Watch

Proverbs 4:23 “Guard your heart above all else …be careful what you think because your thoughts determine the course of your life, control your life.” (NLT/ERV)

Guard Your Mind Against GARBAGE. Be on guard about what you feed your mind. Avoid toxic food and junk food. While toxic food can destroy your mind, junk food is not necessarily harmful, but it is not very useful either. Feed your mind healthy food, food that nourishes your mind, Read the rest of this entry