Take Responsibility
“On the third day of the fast, Esther put on her royal robes and entered the inner court of the palace, just across from the king’s hall… When he saw Queen Esther… he welcomed her and held out the gold scepter to her. So Esther approached…” Est.5:1-2
Instead of making excuses, choose to make progress. You cannot make both at the same time. Your oven cannot bake excuses and bake progress at the same time. Choose one- excuses or progress, what will it be? A great war general, George Washington said, “ninety-nine percent of failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.” In any organization, ninety-nine percent of failures come from people that make excuses. Some even have research data to back up why they failed. Check your business and even your home; the children that make the most excuses are the ones that do not do their homework. My pencil broke and there was no power – excuses! You cannot make excuses and make progress at the same time. I pray that you will make progress in Jesus Name.
You are the general of your life. The best war generals take responsibility for their affairs. Successful people, whether they are in paid employment or running their own business, take responsibility for their affairs. They are full of action, intense and committed to victory.
We cannot talk about war generals without talking about David. He is one of the most brilliant war generals that ever walked the face of the earth and he got it right with God at the same time. 1 Samuel 17 [please read] – Goliath cursed David and David cursed him right back. What does that tell us? Attack! Do not let the enemy have the final say; whether it is the enemy within or the enemy without. Respond to every voice that says you cannot make it. Make sure the enemy does not have the final say.
In a very popular bank years ago, there was a lady who loves God passionately. Her boss was constantly accusing her of being a bottleneck and he vowed that as long as he is in that bank, she would not be promoted. The lady said, “sir with all due respect, I will be promoted”. And they went back and forth. Guess how the story ended? The man lost his job and she was promoted. Always answer back. Regardless of who is speaking to you, always answer back. Even if it is your parent(s) that speaks negatively over you, answer back as respectfully as you can.
Prayer: Holy Spirit, please purge me completely of excuses and help me take responsibility for everything You have placed under my sphere of influence, in Jesus Name.
Posted on Tuesday 19 April, 2016, in Excuses, Responsibility. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.
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