Know Your Options

“Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me” Jn.14:6 


To have proper security, the second of four things you must do is ward off enemy invasion. The third thing is, deny information to the enemy. Make sure there is no information leakage of your life that seeps to the enemy. If any information seeps from your life to the enemy, make sure it is false information. Am I encouraging you to lie? Not at all; you are in a war situation so deny the enemy information.

Imagine armed robbers go to a house and after taking everything they consider valuable, they announce their desire to rape someone. Then they turn to the man of the house and ask if there are any women in the house. Should such a man be thinking of what to do? There is only one answer to that question and it is there are no women in this house. If they eventually search and discover that his teenage daughter is in the house, the man should be prepared to give his life for his daughter.

This is not a license for people who are in the habit of lying; you need to draw the line. The king’s army came to Elisha; they were looking for him and wanted to kill him because he had been leaking their secrets. What did Elisha say? He said that prophet is not here; come, let me take you to him and it was not a lie. Note that this is very different from falsifying tax returns; that will be a lie. I am sure this is clear.

And the fourth thing is, maintain your freedom of action. Never forget that you are only as free and as secured as the options you have. What does that mean? What are you doing today? You are only as free as your well-developed alternative to whatever you are doing today. So you need to sit down and come up with a well-developed alternative to whatever you are doing today. Why? It is because one of your most important life strategies should be the systematic development of options. What are your options? In soccer for example, over the period of a season, a team is only as strong as its bench, the options available to that team. Every leader should know this. However, the most secure places in God do not provide us with options.


Prayer: Lord, empower me to prevent surprises from my own forces, ward off enemy forces, deny information to the enemy, and maintain freedom of action, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Monday 30 May, 2016, in Action, Caution, Planning. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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